Turn Trussville Pink to raise awareness for breast cancer on October 16

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IMG 3587 Turn Trussville Pink to raise awareness for breast cancer on October 16
Local hair stylists pose in pink at Kuttin’ Up in Trussville, AL. Photo via Kate Norman

It’s time to wear your pink! Wednesday, October 16 marks Turn Trussville Pink, an annual day that raises awareness for breast cancer. 

Turn Trussville Pink was originated in 2006 by Joshua White, a student of Hewitt-Trussville High School, who created the day to raise awareness for his mother Kathy White and others with breast cancer. 

Birmingham, Turn Trussville Pink
All it takes is some pink to raise awareness for breast cancer. Photo via Turn Trussville Pink on Facebook

Since then, this small idea has grown to become an annual tradition that includes the whole city of Trussville.

“It is very emotional to drive up and down the streets and see the pink every year,” said Shayna Swann, White’s sister and teacher at Paine Elementary. “But it’s also exciting to know that so many people want to participate.  It seems like almost everybody knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer.” 

Birmingham, Trussville, Turn Trussville Pink
Shayna Swann shows off pink balloons for Turn Trussville Pink. Photo via Turn Trussville Pink on Facebook

From students and faculty from local schools to pink bows hanging on lamp posts and store fronts, on this day of awareness, you will see the city of Trussville transform into an amazing sea of pink.

You can purchase a Turn Trussville Pink T-shirt to raise awareness for breast cancer.

Birmingham, Trussville, Turn Trussville Pink
The 2019 Turn Trussville Pink T-shirt. Photo via Turn Trussville Pink on Facebook

You can sport any pink you’d like on this special day, but if you’d like to donate to the cause, you can also purchase a Turn Trussville Pink T-shirt.

Proceeds from sales of Turn Trussville Pink T-shirts, along with research donations from the community are given to the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Birmingham, Trussville, Turn Trussville Pink
Turn Trussville Pink. Photo via Turn Trussville Pink on Facebook

Swann, who designs the shirts each year, said:

“This year I really just wanted it to be fun and maybe a little trendy, and happy- not quite so emotional.  One day I saw some shirts that made me smile. Basically that’s all we wanted: a happy shirt to make people smile when they think of turning the city pink.”

Where can you find your Turn Trussville Pink T-shirt? Tula J Boutique and Complete Cleaners in Trussville.

On Monday, October 14, Kendra Scott will be hosting a pop-up shop at Tula J Boutique from 2-6PM and will be donating 20% of their sales to Turn Trussville Pink. 

How can you participate in Turn Trussville Pink ?

Birmingham, Trussville, Turn Trussville Pink
Schools in Trussville are all about wearing pink in support to Turn Trussville Pink. Photo via Turn Trussville Pink on Facebook

Turn Trussville Pink is Wednesday, October 16. To participate in this annual event:

Will you be participating in Turn Trussville Pink?

Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 1797