6 nature events at Oak Mountain State Park this month, including hikes, turtles, and reptiles
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August is the perfect month (temperature-wise!) to explore the wonderful nature programs at Oak Mountain State Park.
Alabama’s largest state park is hosting several chances to experience and learn about Birmingham’s wildlife. Here are six programs from night hikes to bird of prey shows!
Night Hike
When: August 9th from 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Where: Beach Access parking lot at Oak Mountain State Park
Cost: Park admission – $5 per adult, $2 per child or senior
This Friday, take a trip to Oak Mountain to experience nature in the dark! After a quick introduction, the group will head to the Treetop Nature Trail boardwalk to say hi to the night owls that reside there. Once it gets dark, the group will start their hike on the trail to see what the night has to offer! Make sure to bring a flashlight, because it will be very dark!
Discover Birds of Prey
When: August 11th from 2pm to 3pm
Where: Treetop Nature Trail at Oak Mountain State Park
Cost: Park admission – $5 per adult, $2 per child or senior
If you are fascinated by birds of prey, this is the event for you. Oak Mountain educators are ready to teach you all about these magnificent creatures and what we can do to help them!
Turtle Tuesday
When: August 13th at 11am, 2pm or 4pm
Where: Interpretive Center at Oak Mountain State Park
Cost: Park admission – $5 per adult, $2 per child or senior
Did you know that Birmingham is home to 10 unique turtle species? Have you ever wanted to meet one? If so, you’re in luck, because the Oak Mountain Interpretive Center offers three chances to meet some of Birmingham’s turtles this Friday!
Birds of Prey Show
When: August 16th at 5pm
Where: Discover Shelby Pavilion at the Alabama Wildlife Center
Cost: Park admission – $5 per adult, $2 per child or senior
The Alabama Wildlife Center will be presenting live raptors next Friday! Bring a blanket or folding chair and come observe a thrilling birds of prey show.
Discover Reptiles
When: August 17th from 2pm to 3pm
Where: Interpretive Center at Oak Mountain State Park
Cost: Park admission – $5 per adult, $2 per child or senior
Discover Reptiles at Oak Mountain is a perfect opportunity to learn about reptiles! Oak Mountain staff will be presenting several reptiles that you can meet up close. If you’ve ever wanted to meet a lizard, snake, or turtle, this is the chance!
Chirps and Chips
When: August 10th at 7pm
Where: Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Cost: Tickets are $50
This Saturday, the Alabama Wildlife Center is hosting their 8th annual Chirps and Chips fundraiser at the Botanical Gardens. The event offers casino-style games, complimentary food and drink, and more! Chirps and Chips is your chance to help fund the operations of the Alabama Wildlife Center. The center treats over 2,000 bird patients from over 100 species each year!