Powerful story behind America’s Got Talent Finalist Brian King Joseph. Live performance August 3 at United Ability’s Journey of Hope.

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NUP 184144 1466 Powerful story behind America’s Got Talent Finalist Brian King Joseph. Live performance August 3 at United Ability’s Journey of Hope.
AMERICA’S GOT TALENT — “Live Finale” Episode 1321 — Pictured: Brian King Joseph — (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC)

No one captured more hearts and inspired the judges and audience of America’s Got Talent during Season 13, in 2018, more so than electric violinist Brian King Joseph.

Despite living with a rare and very painful nerve condition called peripheral neuropathy, Joseph, or “The King of Violin”, made it all the way to the finals of the top rated talent show.

On August 3rd, 7:00 in UAB’s Alys Stephens Center’s Jemison Concert Hall, for the first time in Alabama, come see and hear Joseph perform and describe his own powerful story – his journey – at United Ability’s 3rd Annual Journey of Hope. The event supports the advancement of medicine, technology, and therapies for people living with disabilities. It is open to the public. – Buy tickets now.

Interview with Bham Now

BKJ AGT Powerful story behind America’s Got Talent Finalist Brian King Joseph. Live performance August 3 at United Ability’s Journey of Hope.
America’s Got Talent Finalist Brian King Joseph. Photo courtesy of United Ability

Earlier this month, Bham Now interviewed Brian King Joseph about his journey, America’s Got Talent and why the upcoming concert benefiting United Ability means so much to him.

Here is his remarkable story.

In his words

At the start of the interview, we talked about Joseph’s health and what he faces day to day. He stunned me how he bluntly described his condition.

“My nerves are dying. What I mean by that, every single one of my nerves that matters, all throughout my legs, arms, back, they have been slowly deteriorating, since about 6 years ago. In my case it was an acute onset – it hit me very hard and immediately – I lost feeling in both my hands and my feet. And that continues to spread. It starts in your extremities, spreads throughout your body, eventually causing paralysis. It’s incurable. But I believe and hope eventually we will find some treatment and management.”

Fighting back constant pain with his violin

As a result of his condition, Joseph is in pain 24/7. He describes it as a high level of pain that burns and is like being stuck with pins and needles.
Constantly playing violin, is an exercise that gives Joseph a chance to fight back.

“All that being said it is simply an obstacle. I’m just blessed to have an outlet that not only fills my heart, but also allows me to be physical. If it weren’t for the violin, the adrenaline and feeling and how much I love it, inadvertently, it saved me. When I play its magic.”

America’s Got Talent Finals with Lindsey Stirling

If you a follower of America’s Got Talent, last year’s final show, you got to witness how Joseph’s health nearly kept him out of the final show.

After rehearsing a duet with fellow violinist Linsdsey Stirling, Joseph’s body in his own words, “locked up.”

“I had pain attacks. I felt like a baby. I didn’t move.”

Somehow, he played that evening

“Everytime I look at that performance, I don’t know how. That day I went through the worst pain I have ever gone through. It was scary for me.

God is so good. To look at what I’ve went through over the past 6 years, and I’m still here. He has pulled me through this – everything that has happened.”

What playing for United Ability means to Brian King Joseph

Joseph effusively describes why performing at United Ability’s Journey of Hope on August 3rd means so much to him personally.

“It really means so much to me to be able to perform and lend my support. Everybody has a journey. My journey is to set out and inspire others to follow their journeys.

Because I found in following my journey, in following hope, and being positive and believing in the power of miracles, hope and striving forward, you can find salvation. I was saved in that way. By being able to follow my journey.”

Joseph sees parallels to his story and United Ability’s Journey of Hope event.

IMG 0038 Powerful story behind America’s Got Talent Finalist Brian King Joseph. Live performance August 3 at United Ability’s Journey of Hope.
Brian King Joseph will be performing at United Ability’s 3rd Annual Journey of Hope, August 3rd at the Alys Stephens Center. Photo courtesy of United Ability

“I really want to be a beacon of light – to show other people it can be done. It is not easy. Everyone at United Ability, they understand that. They know life is not easy. For them life is a series of challenges. For them, they may feel I’m lesser, I’ve felt that way. I want them to know it really makes them stronger. They are my inspiration, They are my heroes. I just want to elevate and lift them up.

Music saved my life. I want to use it now to save other people’s lives.”

Join us

NUP 184375 0493 Powerful story behind America’s Got Talent Finalist Brian King Joseph. Live performance August 3 at United Ability’s Journey of Hope.
AMERICA’S GOT TALENT — “Live Finale Results” Episode 1322 — Pictured: Brian King Joseph — (Photo by: Greg Gayne/NBC)

It is going to be a very special and electrifying evening with Brian King Joseph. In his own words – when he plays “its magic.”

Open to the public, celebrate and connect with United Ability at the 2019 Journey of Hope on August 3rd, 6:00 pm at UAB’s Alys Stephen Center. Tickets are limited, so reserve your seat today.

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UnitedAbilityLogo Powerful story behind America’s Got Talent Finalist Brian King Joseph. Live performance August 3 at United Ability’s Journey of Hope.

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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