5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss

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Botanical Gardens 5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
Summer camp smiles! Photo via Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Summer’s in full swing here in Birmingham. But don’t fret— you still have time to sign up for these fantastic summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. If you find yourself asking, “Is it time to go school supply shopping yet??” You’re in luck— no matter their age or interests, the Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens probably has a summer camp option that your kiddos (and you) will get excited about. 

Not-So-Secret Gardens 

2CCA7D57 90CC 49B0 B66C 04CFBE2B045D 5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
The entrance is as beautiful and inviting as the gardens themselves! Photo by Beth Cunningham for Bham Now.

Birmingham Botanical Gardens are a long-time favorite attraction in Birmingham. The gardens are no secret— chances are, you’ve found a reason or 2 to visit at some point. What you may not know is the large variety of summer camps and classes offered by the Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens! We’ve got your ultimate guide to summer camps for all! 

Fairy Tales in the Gardens

Fairytales 5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
Now in its second year, with extended ages! Photo via Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens.
  • Ages: 4–5 & 5K–2nd Grade
  • Overview: Children will feed their imaginations in the dreamy garden landscape with this whimsical summer camp experience inspired by your favorite fairy tales. The gardens and woodlands are the perfect playgrounds for your princesses, fairies, witches, and mythical creatures to explore and learn about the world around them.
  • Dates: July 22–26
  • Times: 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
  • Instructor: Erika Poe, B.S., Early Childhood and Elementary Education
  • Cost: Members $160 | Non-Members $200

Japanese Garden Exploration 

BBG GYC Jan2018 382 XL 5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
The Moon Bridge is a staple of the Japanese Garden. Photo via Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens.
  • Ages: Children entering grades 3–6
  • Overview: Discover what makes the Japanese Garden and the Japanese culture so unique through daily walks, art projects, cooking, and various other activities.
  • Dates: July 15–19
  • Times: 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
  • Instructor: Donna Long, B.S. Elementary Education
  • Cost: Members $160 | Non-Members $200

The Secret Garden

5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
Looks pretty magical to me. Photo via Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens.
  • Ages: Children entering Grades 3–6 
  • Overview: A Summer Play in the Gardens. Participants will explore various themes of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s popular book and work together to create a unique outdoor showcase. Friends and family are all invited to the show!  
  • Dates: July 22–26
  • Times: 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
  • Instructor: Cristal Brister, B.A. in Theatre
  • Cost: Members $280 | Non-Members $350

Garden Hacks: Technology in the Gardens

Garden Hacks 5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
An exciting new addition with a lasting impact. Photo via Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens.
  • Ages: Rising 6th–9th Graders
  • Overview: This is a place for curious minds to look at their world and use technology to solve real problems. This camp is intended for rising 6th–9th graders who are interested in learning how to build simple devices intended to help solve problems related to agriculture. Students will learn product development, design, product testing, basic electrical engineering, critical thinking and problem-solving.
  • Dates: July 29–August 2
  • Times: 9 a.m.–3 p.m.
  • Instructor: Tech Birmingham Kids Code
  • Cost: Members $280 | Non-Members $350

Adventures in the Gardens: A Family Camp Experience

Family Camp 5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
A summer camp for the whole family! Photo via Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens.
  • Ages: Family-friendly! Activities recommended for children ages 4 and above; younger siblings are welcome with adult supervision
  • Overview: Professional naturalist Taylor Steele will guide your family through a hands-on exploration of Birmingham Botanical Gardens’ 67.5 acres, from looking at the unique adaptations and everyday uses of tropical plants to exploring the wild beauty of Alabama Woodlands. This drop-in experience allows families to enjoy the entire week of this experience or to attend camp days as your schedule allows! 
  • Dates: July 22–26
  • Times: 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
  • Instructor: Taylor Steele
  • Cost: (price covers admission for 1 adult + 1 child) Members $20 | Non-Members $25 | Additional Family Member $5

Flicks Among the Flowers — Don’t Miss Out! 

Flicks in the Flowers 5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
A timeless summer activity! Photo via Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Looking for a unique date night, or a fun activity for the whole family? Once a month during the summer, the Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens hosts Flicks Among the Flowers, an outdoor movie night!

  • Film: Field of Dreams
  • Date: Wednesday, July 17
  • Time: Gates open at 6 pm | Film begins at sunset (approx. 8 pm) 
  • Cost: FREE ($5 suggested donation)

There’s no shortage of summer fun to be had at the Gardens! Don’t miss out!

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fbbg logo 2018 5 summer camps at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens– including a family camp that you’re not going to want to miss
Beth Cunningham
Beth Cunningham

A Birmingham transplant who can usually be found hitting a new hiking trail or restaurant opening when she's not writing stories and snapping photos for Bham Now.

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