Birmingham Camera wiz Matthew Niblett gives us a glimpse of what it’s like behind the lens capturing clients’ big day
Reading time: 5 minutes

You might have already run into Matthew Niblett around town, barefoot at a summer wedding, camera in hand. If he was there working as a videographer, he was probably busy setting the scene, calming the nerves of a frazzled bride with a lame joke, or entertaining some groomsmen on their buddy’s big day. His big, easy going personality stands out when he’s got his camera in hand— you can’t miss him when he’s on the job.
Niblett Media Beginnings
He comes by it honestly. From his earliest memory, 23-year old videographer Matthew Niblett has always camera in his hands. It’s second nature to him. In his younger years, he would arm himself with a point-and-shoot-camera and few ‘Jackass’-esque ideas to film. He and his friends would spend hours, days reenacting those scenes, all while Niblett filmed.
While it most likely wasn’t great from a personal safety standpoint, it did provide Matthew some valuable groundwork on how operate a camera and an insight on his own professional passions— it’s clear he’s always had an eye for the medium and an appreciation of the art.

From stunt videos to weddings
Fast forward a decade later, and 23-years-old Matthew is running his own budding videography business, Niblett Media. Working alongside some of those very same friends, he now spends his nights and weekends shooting video and taking pictures for clients at weddings, providing the opportunity for his clients to one day be taken back to life’s most cherished moments.

“I believe in the power that video has to take you back to a certain place and time that existed in the past,” said Niblett. “That’s what I love about shooting video for people – how it can take you right back into that moment, and you can remember everything that was happening. I love doing that for people.”
A Niblett of history
During the day, Niblett is an Orthopedic Operating Room Technician, helping nurses and doctors at UAB prepare the operating room. At nights and on the weekends, he focuses on the business end of his professional passion. He’s been in the videography business professionally four years now, starting when he was fresh out of high school.

Year after year, his client base has grown. He hopes to soon take Niblett Media to a full time gig. Currently, he works out of FORGE, a co-working space in the heart of downtown Birmingham.
Working from Forge
“I work out of Forge for my editing process. I can put my headphones on and zone out, and knock it out,” he said. “Word of mouth has been good to me, and I’m booking more weddings each year, so having this space has been crucial for my process.”
So what’s his secret to gaining traction in the Birmingham videography business?
“Being cool and confident that I can get the work done regardless of what’s going on around me. That and being bold, just getting out there and doing it”
Creating Good Vibes
Really, he says it’s all about the vibe you create and the trust you build leading up to the big day.
“What I do behind the camera is completely second nature—I like to think it’s something I can do in my sleep. What is important, and what I focus on, is cultivating that great relationship with clients, so they can be at ease and really enjoy the day. ”

His easy going demeanor definitely shines through his work, and according to him, that’s key in getting great photos or videos on a potentially high stress day.
“I’m easy going. I don’t get wrapped up in the stress of the day, and I think that’s what makes it work for me and my clients—creating that relaxed atmosphere.”

While wedding and event videography are Nibletts bread and butter, he also dabbles in commercial videography, and he’s hoping to branch out further with that as the business grows.
“I love doing creative work for companies, that’s why we’re called Niblett Media. From creating content, to social media, to photography and all aspects of digital media. I like to do it all.”

Future of Niblett Media
In the future, he plans to delve into the commercial side much more. Until then, you can most likely find him shooting wedding videos every weekend. He’ll be the one shooting barefoot (always, when he can) with the Canon camera.

Word on the street is that he has a few openings left for 2019, but he’s booking up fast. Not bad for a self taught 23-year-old videographer from Haden, Alabama.
For more information, or to book Niblett Media for an event, contact Matthew. (256) 615-5837. Check out his work.
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