Top 5 reasons not to miss Beaker Bash at McWane Science Center on Saturday, February 2

Reading time: 4 minutes


Birmingham, Alabama, Beaker Bash, McWane Science Center, Vulcan Materials Company sponsorship
Family fun at Beaker Bash 2016. Photo submitted

On Saturday, February 2, 5-8PM, you will find McWane Science Center transformed into a magical world filled with acrobatics, intrigue and the forces of nature. It’s all part of Beaker Bash Carnivale 2019, McWane’s big annual fundraiser.

“There are lots of fundraising events in this city. They’re all important and they all support wonderful causes, but I can guarantee you that Beaker Bash is the most fun in town.”

Amy Templeton, CEO and President, McWane Science Center

Why Beaker Bash? The Top 5

1. Beaker Bash is not your average black-tie fundraising gala. “We’re a kid organization, so it fits to make it family friendly,” said Miranda Springer, Vice President of Development at McWane.

Birmingham, Alabama, Beaker Bash, McWane Science Center, Vulcan Materials Company sponsorship
It’s fundraising fun for all ages. Photo submitted

2. It is not your normal Saturday at the museum. Every year, McWane transforms itself to reflect the Beaker Bash theme. This year, get ready for Mardi Gras early because February 2 is all about Carnivale.

Birmingham, Alabama, Beaker Bash, McWane Science Center, Vulcan Materials Company sponsorship
In 2016, Beaker Bash cooked up sorts of galactic goodies. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for Carnivale. Photo submitted

3. Beaker Bash raises about $130,000 annually for McWane’s Scholarship Fund. The fund supports field trips for schools in predominantly low-income communities. It also pays for teacher training and camp scholarships. Through the scholarship fund, McWane reaches 30,000 children statewide each year. Pretty nifty!

Birmingham, Alabama, Beaker Bash, McWane Science Center, Vulcan Materials Company sponsorship
Supporting McWane Science Center is a hands-on activity at Beaker Bash. Photo submitted

4. Sponsors like Vulcan Materials Company play a big part in making Beaker Bash, well, a bash. In fact, Vulcan has been part of McWane since 1992. “They were one of the initial groups that wanted to create a downtown museum learning facility that could benefit families,” Springer said.

Birmingham, Alabama, Beaker Bash, McWane Science Center, Vulcan Materials Company sponsorship
Looks like a pretty cool way to spend a Saturday evening. Photo submitted

5. It is not too late to get tickets to Beaker Bash Carnivale 2019, Saturday, February 2, 5-8PM, at McWane Science Center. Tickets are $150 for a family of four, $30 for individuals ages 2 to 20 and $50 for individuals ages 21 and up.

Birmingham, Alabama, Beaker Bash, McWane Science Center, Vulcan Materials Company sponsorship
Beaker Bash is for big kids, too. This dad got way into the 2017 transportation theme. Photo submitted

3 More Ways Vulcan Materials Company Supports McWane

Vulcan Materials Company is not only a sponsor of McWane Science Center, but is also truly passionate about the cause. Beyond Beaker Bash Carnivale 2019, check out three other ways Vulcan supports McWane.

1. Itty Bitty Magic City, which is a section of McWane devoted to kindergarten children and younger. Vulcan Materials Company sponsored the child-height tabletop areas where kids get hands-on with blocks, Legos and trains.

Birmingham, McWane Science Center, Itty Bitty Magic City, McWane Science Center Itty Bitty Magic City
Itty Bitty Magic City at McWane. Photo submitted

2. The replica of McWane Science Center by Birmingham Lego enthusiast Wesley Higgins. (Have you seen it? Peer in the window next time you pass McWane.) Norman Jetmundsen, a Vulcan executive and former board member at McWane, and his wife, Kelli, championed and sponsored the project.

3. Celebrate Science-Exhibit Design Challenge. In this statewide competition, elementary classes create exhibit prototypes. Along the way, they learn science and 21st-century skills like cooperative problem-solving, working as a team and using creativity. The competition works to include children in rural, low-income areas of Alabama with the McWane education team.

Birmingham, McWane Science Center
True story: winning Celebrate Science once made a teacher faint. Photo submitted

“Celebrate Science is one of the most important things we do at McWane—and we couldn’t do it without Vulcan Materials Company.”


Get Tickets to Beaker Bash Carnivale 2019

Birmingham, Alabama, Beaker Bash, McWane Science Center, Vulcan Materials Company sponsorship

How can you get involved in supporting McWane Science Center? It is easy and fun for the whole family. Go to Beaker Bash Carnivale 2019 on Saturday, February 2, 5-8PM.

PS—do not forget to check out “Genome: Unlocking Life’s Code” at McWane Science Center now until May 19.

Find McWane Science Center at 200 19th Street N, Birmingham, AL 35203.

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