How long can you ride the roller coaster at Alabama Splash Adventure? Here comes Coasterthon!

Reading time: 5 minutes

Birmingham, Alabama Splash Adventures, Alabama Organ Center, Alabama Organ Center Coasterthon
Photo courtesy of Alabama Splash Adventure’s Facebook Page.

Climb in. Buckle your seatbelt. And count down to the longest ride of your life. On July 13, the Alabama Organ Center is teaming up with Alabama Splash Adventure to host an eight-hour coaster marathon to raise funds and awareness for the Alabama Organ Center. Do you have the stamina to endure the ride?

Yes, you read that right. You have the chance to ride a roller coaster for eight hours! Why eight? Because the number eight represents the eight lives one person can save by becoming an organ donor. Isn’t that incredible?

The event takes place at Alabama Splash Adventures on July 13 from 2a.m.-10a.m. And it’s all benefitting the Alabama Organ Center.

Established in 1979, the Alabama Organ Center has helped save thousands of lives in Alabama through organ, eye and tissue donation.

Birmingham, Alabama Organ Center, Alabama Organ Center Celebration of Life Picnic, Alabama Organ Center Coasterthon
Alabama Organ Center’s annual Celebration of Life Picnic during National Donate Life Month (April 2017). Photo courtesy of the Alabama Organ Center.

“There are nearly 2,500 men, women and children waiting for an organ transplant in Alabama,” said Ann Rayburn, director of education and referral services. “So, the need [for organ donors] is great.”

There are three organ transplant centers in the state of Alabama—all of which reside in Birmingham.

  • UAB Hospital
  • Children’s of Alabama
  • Birmingham VA Medical Center

Currently, there are 2,751,022 registered organ donors in Alabama.

Through the Alabama Organ Center’s Coasterthon, Rayburn stated that the organization hopes to, “raise awareness about the importance of organ, eye and tissue donation and raise some money to help us with our community education efforts. We are also looking forward to having some fun in the process!”

What Is A Coasterthon?

The Alabama Organ Center’s Coasterthon is a charity event with a unique and thrilling twist. Twenty-four individuals who raise at least $100 for the event will have the chance to challenge themselves by riding Alabama Splash Adventure’s world-class wooden roller coasterRampagefor eight consecutive hours!

Birmingham, Rampage, Alabama Splash Adventure, Birmingham roller coasters, Alabama Organ Center, Alabama Organ Center Coasterthon
Rampage. Photo via Alabama Organ Center.

Rampage is the perfect roller coaster for thrill seekers as it takes riders up a 120-ft. lift hill then drops them 102 feet at speeds of 56 mph as it travels across 3,500 feet of track. One ride on the Rampage is an adrenaline rush, but can you stay onboard for eight hours straight?

If you’re a thrill seeker then you may want to hop aboard with no plans of getting off because the fundraising participant(s) who last the entire eight hours (and the individual who raises the most money overall) will be rewarded with special prizes!

Do you have what it takes to ride the Rampage for eight consecutive hours? Then ensure your spot on the tracks and start fundraising now!

How Did The Idea For A Coasterthon Zoom To Life?

The idea of hosting a Coasterthon first originated when Dwayne Kilbourne, founder and chief executive officer for Coaster Addict, Inc., proposed the idea to the Alabama Organ Center. Not only is Kilbourne a roller coaster enthusiast and Coasterthon expert, but he also has a personal connection to organ donation.

“Elaine Jackson was my better half for over six years,” Kilbourne said. “We traveled around the country to ride roller coasters, a shared passion of ours, and we frequently participated in Coasterthons and other coaster-related charity events.”

Unfortunately, [Elaine] was found unresponsive on Jan. 31, 2017 and passed away the next day as a result of an undiscovered massive brain aneurysm.

Though Elaine’s passing was, and still is, tragic, she was able to make a lasting impact.

“Because of Elaine being an organ donor,” Kilbourne said, “she was able to live on through many others, donating seven organs and tissue.”

Save a life. Become an organ donor.

Birmingham, Alabama Organ Center, Alabama Organ Center Coasterthon, coasterthon, Alabama Splash Adventure
Elaine Jackson riding the Rampage. Photo courtesy of Alabama Organ Center.
Can Anyone Ride The Rampage?

Sorry, no. To ensure the safety of all participants, there are some requirements that must be met in order to ride the rails.

  • Riders must meet ride height requirements – 48” tall.
  • Riders will also sign a release at check-in. Those under 18 years of age will require the signature of a parent or guardian.
Are Participants Allowed To Get Off The Roller Coaster?

Of course! The Alabama Organ Center aims to have the Coasterthon be a safe and enjoyable event.

There are three ways to get off the train:

  1. During the hourly five-minute safety breaks;
  2. When riders switch seats (periodically and briefly); or
  3. If the rider cannot continue.
Birmingham, Alabama Splash Adventure, Rampage, Rampage roller coaster, Alabama Organ Center, Alabama Organ Center Coasterthon
Rampage. Photo courtesy of Alabama Splash Adventure’s Facebook page.
How Can You Help The Alabama Organ Center?

Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer!

The Alabama Organ Center has a very active group of volunteers called Ambassadors. As an Ambassador, you will have the opportunity to educate the public about organ, eye and tissue donation through participation in:

  • Health fairs and public awareness events
  • Special and community events
  • Office assistance
  • Religious groups
  • Presentation/school visits

For more information on becoming a volunteer with the Alabama Organ Center, click here.

Register Now!

The Alabama Organ Center Coasterthon is set for July 13, 2018 at Alabama Splash Adventures from 2a.m.-10a.m. Register Now to raise awareness and help fundraise for the chance to endure the ride of your life!

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