Bham Now Nature Roundup for the week of May 20, 2018

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Citizen scientists found several kinds of turtles in Valley Creek. They were measured, tagged, and released back into Valley Creek. Photo from the Urban Turtle Project public Facebook page.

Welcome to the Bham Now Nature Roundup for the week of May 20.

Cahaba lilies and turtles. With the rain holding off this weekend, two of our favorite events, the Cahaba Lily Festival and the Urban Turtle Project went off without any problems on Saturday.

Cahaba Lily CLEAN trip Bham Now Nature Roundup for the week of May 20, 2018
Photo courtesy of the Cahaba River Society

We particularly enjoyed following the Urban Turtle Project Facebook page where the participants held up the wide variety of turtles found in our local creeks and streams (They were measured, tagged, and released back into creeks).

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Citizen scientists found several kinds of turtles in Homewood’s Shades Creek. They were measured, tagged, and released back into Valley Creek. Photo from the Urban Turtle Project public Facebook page.

Simply amazing.

Don’t forget the group will be holding a public meeting at Samford University Tuesday night to release  their findings from this weekend (here are the details and the flyer below).

Samford presentation Bham Now Nature Roundup for the week of May 20, 2018



Bham Now – Alabama hunters and anglers have paid for wildlife conservation. But the sport is dwindling and so is the budget. What you can do to help now.

Bham Now – Who pays for conservation in Alabama? You won’t believe the answer.

Bham Now – Altamont School’s Abby Lee is changing the world through claymation and a good idea

Bham Now – Have you ever sat next to a Cahaba Lily? Try it at the Cahaba Lily Festival this Saturday. (Photos)

Bham Now – Studying Birmingham’s beloved urban turtles

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Bailie Clark and Payton H Stantis. Photo courtesy of Bailie Clark.

Alabama Coastal Foundation – Alabama Coastal Foundation’s 25th Anniversary Celebration! – May 22

Area Riverkeepers – ROJO 10% Tuesday For Black Warrior, Cahaba, Coosa Riverkeepers – May 22

Cahaba River Society – Guided Tour to see the Cahaba Lilies with Cahaba River Society – May 27

Coosa Riverkeeper – Coosa Riverkeeper’s Watering Hole Series: Harp & Clover – May 29

Cahaba River Society – Cahaba Ramble – June 9

Wild South – Wild South Movie Nights

Regularly visit Bham Now’s Event Calendar  to get the latest on nature events in and around Birmingham!

Birmingham turtles
Stripe-necked musk turtle from a tributary of the Cahaba. Photo courtesy of the Urban Turtle Project.

Alabama Wildlife Federation 2018 Calendar of Events
Wild South 2018 Events Calendar
Alabama Wildlife Center 2018 Events Calendar
Discovering Alabama Broadcast Schedule
Birmingham Zoo 2018 Calendar of Events
Birmingham Audubon Society Upcoming Events
Sierra Club Alabama Chapter Meetings and Hikes
Fresh Air Family 2018 Calendar
Alabama Birding Trails Calendar
Little River Canyon Center 2018 Calendar

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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