Stewart Industries to provide 200+ Birmingham jobs when airport facilty opens
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New jobs
Soon 200+ new jobs will be up for grabs near the Birmingham airport…eventually, that number might climb to 500.
The Birmingham Airport Authority, the city of Birmingham, the Birmingham Business Alliance, the Alabama Commerce Department, Graham & Co., and Kaiser Aircraft Industries all worked together to bring airplane parts and services company Stewart Industries International to Birmingham.

Dale Mullinax, President of Stewart Industries international Birmingham, says;
“Initial employment numbers are expected to be over 200 new jobs, and within a year perhaps reach 500 new jobs.”
Stewart Industries will set up shop at the 180-acre, 1.7-million-square-foot site Graham & Co. was marketing. The space they are taking over once was home to Kaiser Group Holdings, the parent company of Kaiser Aircraft, who reduced their workforce and space last year.
“At any time, somewhere in the world, SII is helping an aircraft stay safe in the air.” Stewart Industries International.
For over 20 years, Stewart Industries International has kept thousands of aircraft flying with replacement parts, maintenance and overhaul services, along with storage.
They help planes that have been in storage get back into flight shape and ensure a safe return to flight by offering important and thorough overhaul services. SII also dismantles old aircraft at the end of their lives.

SII supports Boeing, Airbus and McDonnell Douglas aircraft. They perform work for Delta Airlines, American Airlines and numerous aircraft leasing firms and airline operators. Growth plans include maintenance support to companies associated with aircraft leasing and air cargo freight.
SII has offices and facilities in Oklahoma and New Mexico. With the expansion of operations to Birmingham, they will be closer to their east -coast based aviation industry customers.
Keep an eye out for application and employment information. The Birmingham jobs aren’t posted yet…but they are coming!