April is Earth Month in Birmingham. Check out our tip sheet

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CLEAN14 FreshAirFarm 072 BKS April is Earth Month in Birmingham. Check out our tip sheet
Cahaba RIver Society’s Latonya Scott

Forty-eight years ago, on April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was held in Alabama, the United States and the world. That one event launched the global environmental movement.  Today in Birmingham, nearly five decades later, Earth Day is a month-long celebration.

Below, is a convenient “tip sheet” of Earth Day events occurring throughout the month of April in the Magic City.

Check it out!

Celebrate Earth Month and Spring – buy a plant

Three of Birmingham’s leading nature education organizations, Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve, Turkey Creek Nature Preserve and the Birmingham Botanical Gardens are holding Spring Plant Sales on consecutive weekends in April. Both events raise monies for important nature education programs.

What better way to kickoff Earth Month than to learn about native plants, get your hands dirty and help support three worthy and cherished nature organizations here in Birmingham.

Ruffner Mountain – Spring Native Plant Sale – April 7
Birmingham Botanical Gardens – Spring Plant Sale – April 12-15

Bham Now Article: Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens Spring Plant Sale is about giving back
Plant Sale
Members of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens”Herb Army”
April Earth Day Festivals and Parties
The original Earth Day in 1970 was celebrated by 20 million people in the U.S.  Today, 192 countries observe Earth Day. In Birmingham, for three weekends, we will be celebrating rivers and creeks, our gardens, small rare fish, recycling and a mountain.
The Altamont School
“Darter Fish Sticks” by students from Casey Gillespie’s art class at The Altamont School. Photo by Pat Byington for Bham Now

Mountain Brook Chamber of Commerce – Shades Creek Fest – April 7
Southern Environmental Center – Darter Festival  2018 – April 15

Bham Now Article: Celebrate and support the rarest fish on Planet Earth at Darter Festival 2018

Alabama Environmental Council – Green Tie Affair – April 20
Birmingham Botanical Gardens – Earth Day at the Gardens – April 21

29177928 10155317693932647 4072795409343585504 n April is Earth Month in Birmingham. Check out our tip sheet
Graphic from Red Mountain Park

Black Warrior Riverkeeper – Earthbound’s Earthfest 2018 April 21
Red Mountain Park – Earth Day Celebration – April 22
Cahaba River Society – Aveda Earth Month Party – April 24

Birmingham Alabama
Majestic Cahaba Lily, photo by Pat Byington, Bham Now

Meetings, films, hikes and collection day

Historically, on Earth Day we set aside time to learn about nature. “Teach-ins” on college campuses played a vital role in the 70s version of Earth Day. In the Magic City, there are going to be numerous opportunities to participate in several forums and watch documentary films.  There are also charity “runs,” hikes, a dance performance and even a chance to dispose of household hazardous waste.
GASP – Environmental Justice Town Hall – April 12
Dance Foundation – National Water Dance – April 14

Red Mountain Park – eCO CU Foundation 3rd Annual Trail Run – April 14
Coosa Riverkeeper – Fly Fishing Film Tour– April 19
Bessemer – City of Bessemer Hazardous Waste Collection Day – April 21
GASP – Enviro Film Series: Before the Flood – April 24
Freshwater Land Trust – Sunday Hike Series: Wildwood Wildflower Preserve – April 29

What are you going to do for Earth Day?  Did we miss an event? Let us know by sending us an email at pat@bhamnow.com
Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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