Dive into Birmingham’s art scene with one of these cool classes

Reading time: 4 minutes

Birmingham, Natalie Smith, oil painting, Red Dot Gallery, artists, painting, artists, art classes
Natalie Smith, oil painting student. Photo via Red Dot Gallery’s website.

The Birmingham art scene has a special place for everyone. So dive on in at one of these must-attend art classes and let your creativity loose!

Painting for Adults and Teens

Fill your weekdays with paint and canvas under instruction from professional artist, Linda Vance.

When: Mondays and Tuesdays. All classes are ongoing. Join in an paint any time.
Where: Lindart’s Studio. 1933 Deo Dara Dr., Birmingham, AL 35226
Time: Mon. 9:30am-12:30pm and 5:30pm-8:30pm; Tues. 9:30am-12:30pm
Price: $110 per month (4 sessions) or $30 per class (pay as you paint)
Supplies: Some supplies provided. Bring your own paint, brushes and canvas.
Sign up: To sign up, email lindartstudio.com. Private lessons are also available.

Birmingham, Lindart's Studio and Gallery, art classes, art programs, painting, painting classes, adult painting classes, teen painting classes
Photo via Lindart’s Studio’s website.
Clay and Pottery Classes

Receive expert lessons in clay and pottery from ceramics instructor, Scott Bennett – co-owner of the Red Dot Gallery.

Beginning students will learn techniques for throwing basic forms (bowls, plates, mugs, pitchers, etc.) on the potter’s wheel as well as hand-building techniques (pinch, coil and slab-building).

Intermediate and advanced students will refine existing skills and expand possibilities of form on and off the wheel.

When: Ongoing. Classes are ongoing and can start at any time if a slot is available. Availability is first come, first serve.
Where: Red Dot Gallery. 1001 Stuart Street, Birmingham, AL 35209
Mon., Tues., Thurs. 6pm-9pm; Wed. 1pm-4pm or 6pm-9pm; Sat. – Open Studio from 9am-12pm (when staffed) for enrolled students
Price: $175 per 6 weeks
Materials: Not included in class price. Clay and glaze ($50)
Sign up: Call 205.870.7608 or email scott@reddotgallery.com

Birmingham, Red Dot Gallery, ceramics, pottery, clay, ceramics classes
Photo via Red Dot Gallery’s website.
Craft Tuesday

Art meets crafts in this chill class at the Birmingham Museum of Art. Learn the process of batik watercolor with artist Susan Vitali, enjoy a craft beer and create and original work of art.

When: April 24, 2018
Where: Birmingham Museum of Art. 2000 Reverend Abraham Woods Jr. Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35203
Time: 6pm-8pm
Ages: 21+
Price: $20
Sign up

Birmingham, Birmingham Museum of Art, art, watercolor, Susan Vitali, batik watercolor, painting
Photo via Birmingham Museum of Art’s website.
Drop-In Drawing

Bring our creativity and spend an afternoon sketching in the sculpture garden or galleries under the guidance of artist Jamison Harper.

When: April 15, 2018
Where: Birmingham Museum of Art. 2000 Reverend Abraham Woods Jr. Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35203
Time: 2pm-4pm
Ages: Adults and high school students accompanied by an adult.
Price: Free
Supplies: Provided

Birmingham, Birmingham Museum of Art, drawing, sketching, galleries, Jamison Harper, artists
Photo via Birmingham Museum of Art’s Facebook page.
Homeschool Hub – Art with Justin and Alyssa

Looking for an art class for your homeschooler? Then bring them to this class for hands-on learning through art.

When: April 11, 2018
Where: Hoover Public Library. 200 Municipal Dr., Hoover, AL 35216
Time: 2-3pm
Ages: Kids
Sign up

Birmingham, Hoover Public Library, homeschoolers, homeschool programs, homeschool art programs, art classes
Photo via Hoover Public Library’s Facebook page.
Intro to Screen Printing

Learn the basics of screen printing from the talented, T-shirt making folks from Yellowhammer Creative. During the workshop, you’ll enjoy a casual and fun introduction to:

  • Materials and processes used for silkscreen printing
  • How screens are created
  • How to select a mix inks
  • How to smooth print onto paper and fabric

At the end of the class, you’ll leave with your own unique screen printed T-shirt and poster.

When: April 24, 2018
Where: Make BHM. 4000 3rd Ave S., Birmingham, AL 35222
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Price: $75
Sign up

Birmingham, Yellowhammer Creative, screen printing, art, Make BHM
Photo via @yellowhammer_creative’s Instagram page.
Teen Coffee and Canvas

Teens will love this sophisticated event spent painting and supping coffee, hot chocolate or iced coffee.

When: April 24, 2018
Where: Homewood Public Library. 1721 Oxmoor Rd., Birmingham, AL 35209
Time: 6pm-8pm
Ages: Teens (6th-12th grade)
Supplies: Provided
Sign up

Birmingham, Homewood Public Library, teens, teen art classes, teen art programs, kid art programs, kid art classes
Photo via Homewood Public Library’s Facebook page.
Teen Drawing Class

Teens interested in art can learn the basics of drawing in this four-week series.

When: April 11, 18, 25, 2018
Where: Homewood Public Library. 1721 Oxmoor Rd., Birmingham, AL 35209
Time: 4pm-5pm
Ages: Teens (6th-12th grade)
Supplies: All supplies are provided. Students may bring their own if desired.
Sign up

Which art class looks most fun to you?

Patience Itson
Patience Itson
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