Hands on Birmingham is searching for volunteers for the 12th Annual Project Homeless Connect, Saturday, February 24, 2018 at the Boutwell Auditorium. It’s a really effective, unique program that helps our homeless population with simple, complex and necessary things all in one single day.
In a single day
Project Homeless Connect is a special outreach opportunity that matches up agencies and local businesses with clients in need. The idea is to effectively reach and service as broad a range of people as possible …in a single day.
Via- www.projecthomelessconnect.org.
Sometimes people forget that navigating paperwork, special services, even getting a haircut or pet care can be difficult. The things we take for granted can seem insurmountable to the homeless people around us.
Via- www.projecthomelessconnect.org.
Important stats from the last 11 years
2233 have received pet care.
3996 have gotten haircuts
10,907 got eye-glasses
14,748 individuals accessed MEDICAL SERVICES
2017 PCH Birmingham stats
642 guests served 527 service provider volunteers 812 Smiling Face Client Guides and Information Guides 251 legal services provided 183 state IDs provided 148 housing-related services provided 154 grooming services provided 57 flu shots administered 178 dental screenings given 98 eye exams given 85 prescription glasses provided
This year organizers are expecting to serve over 800 clients, at a one-stop event with more than 65 social service agencies. The doors and registration will open from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Via- www.projecthomelessconnect.org.
Volunteers will be paired with guests to guide them through all the services provided. Kind of like a concierge, or assistant, just getting your client/guest to where they need to be.
“Many of us will never have to go without well-fitting shoes or clean socks and won’t have to work very hard to keep our feet healthy and happy. For members of the homeless community, many of whom walk several miles a day to receive services without a good pair of shoes or a change of socks, it’s not always easy to take care of your feet. www.oneroofonline.org
As we read local news about new restaurants, real estate developments and festivals we need to also remember that we have a homeless population who often find themselves in that situation because of illness, addiction or sudden job loss. Hands On Birmingham does really good work and they need our help. Go to www.handsonbirmingham.org/PHC to register as a volunteer.
via- twitter
Project Homeless Connect does what would normally take someone up to six months to coordinate in ONE SINGLE DAY!
A helping hand. Via- Facebook.
This outreach project educates the community about issues surrounding the homeless in the city and also allows community members to contribute their efforts, talents and time to a wonderful cause.
Guests and volunteers both walk away feeling as if they have achieved something important and with an empowered sense of community.
Project Homeless Connect has served nearly 8,000 people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in the Birmingham Metropolitan Area since 2008. Come out and support this great effort!