The Heart of Homewood: feedback for Downtown Homewood’s new Master Plan

Reading time: 2 minutes

Master Plan
Thanks to Murray Building Co.

Downtown Homewood’s Master Plan team released its findings from community feedback meetings and surveys.  See what people said here.

The Heart of Homewood Plan
Master Plan
Thanks to StyleBluePrint for this pic of Homewood

To keep adding to the list of 420 businesses already #thriving in Downtown Homewood without sacrificing the area’s charm, the City created a Downtown Homewood Master Plan and dubbed it the Heart of Homewood Plan.

Master Plan
Thanks to Heart of Homewood’s website

The plan will guide Downtown Homewood’s future growth for the next decade by getting community feedback.

They really want to know the changes residents and business owners want to see in their city.

giphy The Heart of Homewood: feedback for Downtown Homewood's new Master Plan

The plan focuses on the future of Downtown Homewood through topics like public and private development, parking, transportation, streetscapes, greenspace, and overall character.

Master Plan feedback

In the past few months, the Heart of Homewood team has gotten lots of feedback from the community through open houses and surveys.

Over 86 people came to the open house and 469 people took the Master Plan survey.

giphy The Heart of Homewood: feedback for Downtown Homewood's new Master Plan

Most people liked the idea of more greenspace and sidewalks to keep Homewood happy and healthy.

Thanks Sidney Cromwell for this pic of Homewood’s jail

Homewoodians really wanted to talk about turning the police headquarters at 1833 29th Ave. S. into a pocket park.  Plans are already set for a new police headquarters and jail to be built in West Homewood and residents are ready for more green.

Master Plan, Heart of Homewood
Thanks to Heart of Homewood’s website for this graphic

Transportation, land use, and bike lanes also ranked high up on the list of improvement ideas from residents.  See the full feedback report here.


The Heart of Homewood planning group welcomes your feedback .  In February they will start drafting their first Master Plan.

They hope to get all the thumbs up by December of 2018.

What do you want to see more of in Homewood? Let us know!
Madeline Ingram
Madeline Ingram
Articles: 111