Seeds Coffee Company crowdfunding new Lakeview location
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Seeds Coffee Company, a non-profit coffee shop in Homewood, hopes to open a new location in Lakeview by crowdfunding. Read more about their mission here!
Seeds, a popular hangout for young and old alike in Birmingham, has been well known for its relaxing atmosphere, acoustic concerts, and quality coffee. Now they are relying on their loyal patrons to open a second location in Lakeview.
Seeds’ Mission
Seeds Coffee Company is a community-driven coffee shop that serves its community and the coffee farmer.
This coffee company’s goal hopes to provide honorable work and a fair wage for the farmer through a direct relationship with them.
In opening up a second shop, they will be better able to sustain the purchase of direct-trade coffee. This not only betters Birmingham, but also coffee farmers abroad.
“The reason we’re starting a second store is not to make more money, the reason we’re starting a second store in Lakeview is to fulfill the goal we have to source and sustain coffee relationships with farmers.”
-Jeff Huey, owner of Seeds Coffee Company
Watch the video below to learn more about Seeds.
The Crowdsourcing Campaign
Seeds’ deadline for reaching their goal of $30,000 is August 15th.
Like most crowdsourcing campaigns, donating allows you access to exclusive gifts. Seeds is giving away merchandise ranging from $25 to $2,000.
Help Seeds reach their goal in exchange for awesome merchandise like their coffee, t-shirts, stickers, mugs, donuts, exclusive event offers, fitness packages and more!
Learn more about donating here.
What’s your favorite drink at Seeds? Let us know!