AT&T Alabama President Fred McCallum Announces Retirement
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Yesterday Fred McCallum, President of AT&T Alabama, announced he will be ending his 30 years with the company by retiring at the end of July. See how he impacted Alabama here.
This company has made a major impact on the state and its people over the past 137 years. With over 6,000 employees working in nearly 270 retail locations across the state, AT&T Alabama has grown tremendously and given back. Thanks to Fred McCallum’s leadership, they have established a strong reputation for commitment to serving their community.
McCallum’s Career
McCallum began with the formerly-named South Central Bell in Birmingham in 1987. As he rose through the ranks, McCallum held assignments in Jackson, Miami, and Atlanta. According to AT&T’s website, Fred was appointed AT&T Alabama State President in 2008, after serving as Vice President of Regulatory and External Affairs for BellSouth’s Headquarters’ organization in Atlanta.

“Throughout his 30-year career with AT&T, Fred has consistently led with integrity and honor, helping create a healthy regulatory and legislative environment for consumers,”
-Bill Leahy, AT&T President of the Southeast Region.

However, McCallum’s leadership has not been limited to AT&T Alabama. He has also helped in leading organizations like the Birmingham Business Alliance, the Business Council of Alabama, the Birmingham Education Foundation, and the Alabama Institue for Deaf and Blind Foundation and many more.
McCallum’s Service to Birmingham
Always humble, McCallum’s leadership of AT&T Alabama has been marked by a dedication to service and the desire to see Alabama changed for the better.
“To be able to witness and be a small part of the many extraordinary innovations that have occurred during my career has been a great blessing.”
As a result of his character and leadership, McCallum has received numerous awards, including the 2014 A.G. Gaston award presented by the A.G. Gaston Conference and the 2015 Governor Bob Riley’s Building A Better Alabama award presented by the Business Council of Alabama.
Furthermore, his leadership has sparked a passion in many AT&T Alabama employees. In 2016, the President’s Volunteer Service Award was given to 86 AT&T Alabama employees who volunteered to support great causes in their communities.
Enough can’t be said about how much McCallum’s leadership has impacted AT&T and the people of Alabama. His legacy will leave very big shoes to fill and are excited to see what the next path is for McCallum!
Learn more about the great services AT&T Alabama provides here.