Cahaba River Society honors clean water champions
Reading time: 2 minutes

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.” ~ Wendell Berry
Last Thursday, the Cahaba River Society (CRS) honored several local Birmingham businesses, organizations, educators and advocates at their annual meeting, which was held in Woodlawn.
This year’s CRS annual meeting theme was Cahaba Communities Coming Together. And come together they did.
At the meeting, there was a “full house” with every seat taken, and a list of attendees and honorees that read like the “who’s who” of clean water/river protection champions in the state of Alabama.
Over the years, the Cahaba River Society’s annual awards program has become one of the most prestigious conservation honors in the region.
Here is the impressive list of the 2017 honorees.
Lifetime Achievement Award – James Lowery
Cahaba Vision Award – Natalie Kelly
Outstanding River Advocate – Alabama Rivers Alliance
Educator of the Year – Shades Mountain Elementary’s Carla Marchant, Mandy Cramer, Deanna Straub
Corporate Friend of the Year – Amerex, Inc.
Watershed Conservation Development Award – Crowne at Cahaba River
Cahaba Conservationist of the Year – Cahaba Riverkeeper, David Butler and Myra Crawford
Volunteer of the Year – Hans Paul
Community Partner of the Year – America’s First Federal Credit Union
Public Service Award – Irondale on the Move Advisory Committee, City of Irondale, Greater Irondale Chamber of Commerce, Irondale Commercial Development Authority, Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham