2017 brings Southern Makers to Birmingham

Southern Makers, an annual event that highlights the innovators, creators, designers, and just about anyone else in the artistic scene, has made a huge move within Alabama.

Formerly of Montgomery, now moving to Birmingham for its 2 day event.

Image result for Southern Makers

There were multiple discussions, according to a recent statement, among the organizers as to which city the 2 day showcase would be held.

As mentioned above, Montgomery was the previous location, but due to the traction Birmingham has been experiencing, within local support of the arts and innovation, Southern Makers wants to put us in the lime light.

Event Details:
The event is in its 5th year of operation.

Although we do not know the date of the event, we will certainly keep you updated!

Wade Cline
Wade Cline

Marketing Producer at Bham Now, Tech Junkie, Foodie, Bham Lover, Movie Snob, Wannabe Quantum Physicist. You can likely find me either at Trim Tab Brewing or O'henry's Coffee in Homewood.

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