The secret is out – “America’s Amazon” is Alabama the Beautiful
Reading time: 2 minutes

Last Spring, Alabama Water Watch (AWW) released an “infographic” that has been going viral within the environmental education community.
Titled, America’s Amazon Alabama the Beautiful, the stunningly colorful poster reminds us why Alabama’s biodiversity is important nationally and globally.

The facts:
- 10% of the freshwater resources in the continental United States flow through or originate in Alabama.
- Alabama ranks 1st in freshwater fish biodiversity nationally with 325 species.
- 38% of North American fish species are native to Alabama.
- 43% of North American freshwater snails are native to Alabama.
- 51% of North American freshwater turtles are native to Alabama.
- 60% of North American freshwater mussels are native to Alabama.

Additional details from the poster:
19% of freshwater fish in Alabama are at risk due to pollution and destruction of habitat
There are 132,000 miles of river in Alabama. That’s enough to circle the earth 5 times!

Alabama Water Watch is encouraging people to download and share this infographic freely. Here is the website that can help you configure and publish a large poster – AWW Infographic 2.0
Alabama’s biodiversity is one of our state’s best kept secrets. Because of the important work of groups such as Alabama Water Watch – the secret is out.
Spread the word.