A Harry Potter Holiday Ball is coming to our Barnes and Nobles

Harry Potter Yule Ball Barnes and Noble
Courtesy of Tumble

For all of you HP fans out there, you won’t want to miss this yuletide treat. Ever really, really wanted to go to the Yule Ball? Well, now’s your chance! Tomorrow, both Barnes and Noble at Patton Creek and the Summit are hosting a “Magical Holiday Ball.”

Every Barnes & Noble location will be participating across the country in this fun event. The goal is for some magical fun for all ages. From 7pm – 9pm, you can add some Harry Potter to your holidays.

Harry Potter Yule Ball Barnes and Noble
Courtesy of Tumblr

There will be activities and giveaways along with some holiday photos. Come dressed as your favorite HP character or just in your holiday best, and you might win the best-dressed contest.

Harry Potter Yule Ball Barnes and Nobles
Courtesy of Tumblr

The entire ball will be based on the fourth book and movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The event is free to the public and, of course, wands are permitted.

For more information on the event, click here.

Vicky Lewis
Vicky Lewis

Senior at UAB, Poodle Enthusiast, Hiking Novice

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