Cyber Education and Awareness – ThreatAdvice

Within our evolving and “flattening” earth, due to technology, learning the in’s and out’s of cyber security is essential for any individual or business heavily involved in technology.

ThreatAdvice is here to help you prepare!

David Brasfield – CEO of the new Bham tech startup – has a long history in the area of data/technology. Formally the CEO of TriNovus, executive director at Temenos, and serving at Metavante Birmingham Data Center.

2Q== Cyber Education and Awareness - ThreatAdvice

“When it comes to cyber security, employees without an ongoing cyber security training program are that weak point, leaving the institution vulnerable to attack. ThreatAdvice’s solution suite assists companies in neutralizing attacks by educating and training employees and mitigating the damage associated with cyberattacks,”

– Brasfield, BBJ

The initial focus is within the financial industry, as the protection and importance of security is ever so important for banking and those institution. Next up, retail and healthcare.

Wade Cline
Wade Cline

Marketing Producer at Bham Now, Tech Junkie, Foodie, Bham Lover, Movie Snob, Wannabe Quantum Physicist. You can likely find me either at Trim Tab Brewing or O'henry's Coffee in Homewood.

Articles: 225