Giddy up! Birmingham Stallions riding the longest current winning streak in pro sports

How a $5 bet led this local banker to run the New York City Marathon—his first race ever

Willie Mays tells Birmingham Black Barons + Rickwood Field stories before his 93rd birthday

3 things this Bham Now team member didn’t expect at her first Orangetheory class in Birmingham

UPDATE: Ticket process for MLB at Rickwood Field Tribute to the Negro Leagues announced

5 reasons you need to launch your athletic career now at Alabama State Games—eSports, powerlifting + more

Stallions and Bulls headline a full week of pro sports in Birmingham

Save the Date: Women’s March Madness coming to Birmingham in 2025

Birmingham Bulls win first league title in club history, playoffs begin April 10

MLB Commish: Game at Rickwood Field to highlight 2024 baseball season

Birmingham named 3rd best sports town in U.S. without one of the 5 major sports leagues

How you can win BIG prizes in Charles Barkley’s Final Pour Bracket hosted by Redmont Vodka

Registration is now open for the 41st Alabama State Games—meet 2 awesome athletes