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Slide City: Chair Aerobics

North Birmingham Regional Branch Library

Library: North Birmingham Regional Branch LibraryLocation: North Birmingham Regional Branch LibraryAudience: SeniorsEvent Kind: RecurringContact Name: Samantha GastonContact Phone Number: 205-226-4025Contact Email: samantha.gaston@cobpl.orgCategory: Classes & Workshops,Health & FitnessRegistration Required: NoEvent Type: Classes & Workshops,Health & FitnessDescription: Slide City Chair Aerobics is for people who would like to ease their way back into exercising while in aContinue Reading ...


Springville Road Regional Branch Library

Library: Springville Road Regional Branch LibraryLocation: Springville Road Regional Branch LibraryAudience: AdultsEvent Kind: RecurringContact Name: Judy DickContact Phone Number: 205-226-4083Contact Email: judy.dick@cobpl.orgCategory: Arts & CraftsRegistration Required: NoEvent Type: Arts & CraftsDescription: Building Blocks for making a quilt.Building Blocks for making a quilt.

The Morning Line Up

North Birmingham Regional Branch Library

Library: North Birmingham Regional Branch LibraryLocation: North Birmingham Regional Branch LibraryAudience: AdultsEvent Kind: RecurringContact Name: Samantha GastonContact Phone Number: 205-226-4027Contact Email: samantha.gaston@cobpl.orgCategory: Health & FitnessRegistration Required: NoEvent Type: Health & FitnessDescription: Let's get the mornings started with a little line dancing! Join us and learn the latest line dances in the morning!Let's get the morningsContinue Reading ...

Stand Up for Science Rally

Railroad Park 1600 1st Avenue, Birmingham, AL, United States

Join us for the Stand Up for Science Alabama Rally, part of a nationwide movement to champion publicly funded science, STEM education, and evidence-based policy. Scientists, students, and advocates will gather to support robust federal funding for research, defend against political interference in science, and protect diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in STEM. This rallyContinue Reading ...


Device Drop-In

North Birmingham Regional Branch Library

Library: North Birmingham Regional Branch LibraryLocation: North Birmingham Regional Branch LibraryAudience: AdultsEvent Kind: RecurringContact Name: Connor WestContact Phone Number: 205-226-4027Contact Email: connor.west@cobpl.orgCategory: Computers & TechnologyRegistration Required: NoDescription: Patrons bring in their personal electronic devices for basic technology assistance.Patrons bring in their personal electronic devices for basic technology assistance.

Tech Help Hours

Woodlawn Branch Library

Library: Woodlawn Branch LibraryLocation: Woodlawn Branch LibraryAudience: Children,Tweens,Teens,AdultsEvent Kind: RecurringContact Name: Katie JacksonContact Email: katherine.jackson@cobpl.orgCategory: Classes & Workshops,Computers & TechnologyRegistration Required: NoEvent Type: Classes & Workshops,Computers & TechnologyDescription: Weekly Office Hours for Technology Tutoring. Patrons will be able to sign-up (first-come, first-serve) for 30-minute appointments on a walk-in basis to discuss a basic technology skillsContinue Reading ...

Friday Movie Matinee

West End Branch Library

Library: West End Branch LibraryLocation: West End Branch LibraryAudience: Children,Tweens,Teens,AdultsEvent Kind: One-timeContact Name: Lynn HutchinsContact Phone Number: 205-226-4089Contact Email: lynn.hutchins@cobpl.orgCategory: FilmRegistration Required: NoEvent Type: FilmDescription: Enjoy a movie and a snack.Enjoy a movie and a snack.

Chill Mode

Smithfield Branch Library

Library: Smithfield Branch LibraryLocation: Smithfield Branch LibraryAudience: Children,Tweens,Teens,Adults,SeniorsEvent Kind: RecurringContact Name: Sequoria LewisContact Phone Number: 205-324-8428Contact Email: sequoria.lewis@cobpl.orgCategory: Games and GamingRegistration Required: NoDescription: Stop by, enjoy a game, and chill with us.Stop by, enjoy a game, and chill with us. 

Kumihimo Friendship Bracelets

Titusville Branch Library

Library: Titusville Branch LibraryLocation: Titusville Branch LibraryAudience: TeensEvent Kind: One-timeContact Name: Reba WilliamsContact Phone Number: 205-322-1140Contact Email: titusville@cobpl.orgCategory: Arts & CraftsRegistration Required: NoEvent Type: Arts & CraftsDescription: Join us at Titusville Branch and learn how to create a yarn bracelet for yourself or a friend! This program provides an opportunity for creative expression, socializing, andContinue Reading ...

Bards and Brews

Central Library, Grand Commons (East 1st floor)

Library: Central LibraryLocation: Central LibraryCentral Room: Grand Commons (East 1st floor)Event Kind: One-timeContact Name: Weston FlippoContact Phone Number: 205-226-3690Category: Music & Performing ArtsRegistration Required: NoDescription: This program is free & open to the public. Must be 18+ to enter & 21+ to drink with proof of I.D. Our open mics are welcome to all formsContinue Reading ...

Art with Spin: Sculptures by Corinne Cox

Central Library, Art Gallery (East 1st Floor)

Attend this fun exhibition of whimsical, raku-fired sculptures made by ceramist Corinne Cox. Some of the featured pieces include depictions of imaginary creatures perched in open books and sculptures of what Cox calls “spinning heads†topped with fantastical objects and animals.

Publix Village to Village Run 10k/7.5k

2525 Lane Park Rd Birmingham, AL 35213 699 Park St, United States

The Course: The Publix Village 2 Village 10K and 7.5K starts and finishes at the Grand Bohemian Hotel at 8:00 AM. This amazing course winds through the beautiful Mountain Brook streets, around the Birmingham Country Club, and finishes among the quaint streets of Mountain Brook Village into Lane Parke for an exciting afterparty. Finisher's Medals:Continue Reading ...


Magic City Octane – Community Car Show

The Outlet Shops of Grand River 6200 Grand River Boulevard East, Leeds, United States

Magic City Octane is the largest completely free to show and attend monthly community car event held at The Shops Of Grand River every 2nd Saturday of the month (weather permitting) 8-11am. Since its inception in 2018, Magic City Octane’s mission is to cultivate a vibrant community where automotive enthusiasts come together to celebrate ourContinue Reading ...


Women's History Scavenger Hunt

Southside Branch Library

Library: Southside Branch LibraryLocation: Southside Branch LibraryAudience: Children,Tweens,Teens,Adults,SeniorsEvent Kind: RecurringContact Name: Gelenda NormanContact Phone Number: (205) 933-7776Contact Email: Gelenda.Norman@cobpl.orgCategory: Authors & Literary Arts,Computers & TechnologyRegistration Required: NoEvent Type: Authors & Literary Arts,Computers & TechnologyDescription: This interactive program introduce you to authors familiar and unfamiliar. Scan QR codes throughout the library to discover clues that willContinue Reading ...

Art with Spin: Sculptures by Corinne Cox

Central Library, Art Gallery (East 1st Floor)

Library: Central LibraryLocation: Central LibraryCentral Room: Art Gallery (East 1st Floor)Event Kind: One-timeContact Name: Margaret SplaneContact Phone Number: 205-226-3728Contact Email: margaret.splane@cobpl.orgCategory: Art & Exhibits,Arts & CraftsAudience: Children,Tweens,Teens,Adults,SeniorsRegistration Required: NoDescription: Art with Spin is an exhibition of whimsical, raku-fired sculptures made by ceramist Corinne Cox. Some of the featured pieces include depictions of imaginary creatures perchedContinue Reading ...

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