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Magic City Octane – Community Car Show

Magic City Octane is the largest completely free to show and attend monthly community car event held at The Shops Of Grand River every 2nd Saturday of the month (weather permitting) 8-11am.
Since its inception in 2018, Magic City Octane’s mission is to cultivate a vibrant community where automotive enthusiasts come together to celebrate our shared passion for cars, while actively engaging and enriching the local community. Driven by a commitment to inclusivity and camaraderie, we strive to create a welcoming environment that fosters connections among car enthusiasts of all backgrounds and interests. Through the joy of showcasing unique vehicles, exchanging knowledge, and forging friendships, we aim to strengthen the bonds within our community and leave a positive impact that resonates far beyond the confines of the car show grounds. Together, we drive towards a future where our love for cars serves as a catalyst for unity, creativity, and positive change within our community.
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