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Designing and Planting Your Raised Bed
May 23, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

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Victoria Crenshaw, an experienced organic vegetable gardener and owner of Fleurish Gardens, joins us in the Bruno Vegetable Garden to discuss the principles of raised bed gardening. In this class, she will guide you in creating a plan for your garden layout and teach you how to plant your own raised beds. The class will meet under the arbor in the Bruno Vegetable Garden. Hat and sunglasses are recommended.
Location: Bruno Vegetable Garden
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Cancellation & Refund Policy
Refunds (minus a $15 processing fee) will be given for Friends of Birmingham Botanical Gardens programs priced at $25 or more if notification is made at least 10 business days prior to class start date. (You are always welcome to send another person under your registration if you cannot attend.) Transfers may be made to programs of equal value at no additional fee. We reserve the right to cancel classes due to lack of participation or other unforeseen circumstances. Please note that programs are held rain or shine; in extreme weather conditions, programs may be canceled for your safety and the safety of staff and volunteers. If we cancel a program for any of these reasons, we will issue a full refund.
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