Piddlin Art & Antique brings unique finds to Vestavia Hills (PHOTOS)

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LEAD Piddlin Art & Antique brings unique finds to Vestavia Hills (PHOTOS)
Piddlin Art & Antique is new in Vestavia Hills. (Grace Howard / Bham Now)

Late last year, a new antique store popped up on Kentucky Avenue near Vestavia City Center—Piddlin Art & Antique. The store offers a wide array of vintage and handmade goods from several local artists and makers.

We spoke to the owner, Carol, about what makes this new store an instant gem in the Vestavia Hills community.

Carol has deep local roots in Birmingham’s arts community

IMG 1696 Piddlin Art & Antique brings unique finds to Vestavia Hills (PHOTOS)
2025 Kentucky Ave, Vestavia Hills. (Bham Now)

Carol has been an artist for as long as she can remember, always creating some kind of new craft or art piece.

In 1986, she opened Just Piddlin, a craft store on Montgomery Highway that offered craft supplies, gifts, custom screenprinting and smocking supplies.

“I always loved art in high school, grammar school and college. It’s just always been my thing. I was spoiled, because I was drawing graphic art, then computers came into business. And I was like, ‘Well, that just blew away the fine art of actually having to draw something‘.

So, things have changed a lot since I opened my first store. It closed in 2006 and now it’s almost 20 years later, and here I am. I guess I just can’t not do it!”

Carol, Owner, Piddlin Art & Antique

After nearly 20 years of running the store, Carol closed the shop to focus on spending time with her grandchildren.

Highlighting local makers

Now, at 70 years old, Carol is back in the crafting game with the opening of Piddlin Art & Antique.

This time, the concept is a little different—it’s more like an antique mall, featuring all kinds of locally-made arts, including some of Carol’s own pieces.

Here’s a look at what you can find:

  • Pottery (handmade + antique)
  • Jewelry
  • Furniture + home decor
  • Original + vintage paintings
  • Glassware + ceramics

After perusing the store’s booths, I even left with a new piece to add to my own home!

BIRDS Piddlin Art & Antique brings unique finds to Vestavia Hills (PHOTOS)
Great vintage finds at Piddlin! (Bham Now)

Learn new skills at Piddlin’s art classes

In addition, Carol plans to host art classes like watercolor, needlepoint and embroidery.

“We’re trying to do a variety of classes. We’ve got two already coming up that are the watercolor classes. Then I hope to do jewelry classes, needlepoint classes, just anything anybody wants, that’s kind of what we want to do.

I’m kind of hoping that people will tell us what they want, and we can have a class for them.”

Carol, Owner, Piddlin Art & Antique

Want to get involved or teach a class? Send an inquiry to

Visit Piddlin Art & Antique

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Grace Howard
Grace Howard
Articles: 333