Hoover’s Riverchase Galleria turns 39 today. What’s next for Alabama’s largest mall?

Reading time: 3 minutes

Riverchase Galleria
The food court inside the Riverchase Galleria. (Pat Byington / Bham Now)

39 years ago today—February 19, 1986—the Riverchase Galleria officially welcomed its first customers. But what does the future hold for Alabama’s largest mall? Bham Now spoke with Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato to learn more.

Riverchase Gallera: Alabama’s Largest Mall

Located near the Highway 31/I-459 interchange, the Riverchase Galleria boasts more than 150 stores and restaurants on its 70-acre property—everything from Dave & Buster’s to Alabama’s last Macy’s.

While the mall remains strong, the city of Hoover recently announced plans to commission a $200,000 market assessment study to help inform future use of the Riverchase Galleria.

“[The Galleria] has been a tremendous asset to our economy—not just for the city of Hoover but for the entire metro area and the state of Alabama.

We’re very happy with how well the Galleria is doing now, but we want to get out ahead of any changes to shopping patterns and ensure that the Galleria stays vibrant in the future.”

Frank Brocato, Mayor of the City of Hoover
The Riverchase Galleria in 2022. (Nathan Watson)
The Riverchase Galleria in 2022. (Nathan Watson)

The study itself will have six phases:

  • A market analysis
  • A residential market analysis
  • A hospitality market analysis
  • A retail market assessment
  • An entertainment and mixed-use assessment
  • A final strategic report

According to Hoover’s Economic Development Manager Greg Knighton, the purpose of the study is to generate data-driven information that can help determine the best uses for the Galleria’s campus.

“My hope is that we can develop an appealing vision for the future of the mall and work together with the owners to give the Riverchase Galleria another 39 years of life. It’s an important part of our city, the metro and the state—and we’re looking forward to making the Galleria an even better place.”

Frank Brocato, Mayor of the City of Hoover
The Riverchase Galleria in 2022. (Nathan Watson)
The Riverchase Galleria in 2022. (Nathan Watson)

According to Mayor Brocato, the City of Hoover is working hard to recruit businesses that are “internet-proof”—such as restaurants, hotels and small shops that encourage pedestrian shoppers.

“We’re also working to bring in new businesses in the healthcare and IT industries and grow our robust athletic programs at the Hoover Met and the Finley Center.

Last year, events at the Finley Center and Hoover Met brought around three-quarters of a million people to Hoover; these visitors are staying in our hotels, eating in our restaurants and buying goods from our local shops.”

Frank Brocato, Mayor of the City of Hoover

Several tremendous projects are currently underway in Hoover.

How would you want to see the Riverchase Galleria improve over the next five to ten years? Tag us @bhamnow to let us know!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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