Coca-Cola UNITED has unique ties in Birmingham—learn more

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Pam Cook, Coca-Cola UNITED
Pam Cook, Director of Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Coca-Cola UNITED (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Since 1989, Regions Tradition in Birmingham has brought together renowned athletes, coaches, entertainers and upwards of 80,000 fans each year. Primarily a fundraiser for Children’s of Alabama, Regions Tradition is a signature event that impacts countless children and families.

This year, Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED will be the presenting sponsor of the tournament alongside title sponsor Regions Bank.

With a rich history in Birmingham and ties to Children’s of Alabama, Coca-Cola UNITED has high hopes for this Birmingham tradition.

“Coca-Cola UNITED has a long, storied history here in Birmingham. It’s our headquarters. We grew this whole company right here in Birmingham, so we couldn’t think of being anywhere else.

This is the heart of our company’s business right here. This is where we belong and where we’re going to be for many, many years to come.”

Pam Cook, Director of Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED

Regions Tradition’s 30-year history in Birmingham

Regions Tradition
In 2024, Regions Tradition drew in more than 70K fans. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Regions Tradition is an annual golf tournament that draws huge crowds from across the state and beyond. It’s one of the five major championships of the PGA TOUR Champions golf tour and features:

  • Four days of elite competition between 78 players over 72 holes for a $2.6M purse.
  • A celebrity pro-am with renowned athletes, coaches + entertainers.

In its 30 years, Regions Tradition has raised over $24M for local charities. The primary beneficiary of the tournament is Birmingham’s own Children’s of Alabama.

“We’re honored to be the new presenting sponsor of Regions Tradition.

Our founder, Crawford Johnson, and his wife Caroline helped raise the funds to open the doors to Children’s back in 1911. It’s a no-brainer to have this experience and raise funds at the same time.”

Pam Cook, Director of Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED

Coca-Cola UNITED + Children’s of Alabama

In 1911, Children’s of Alabama, then known as Holy Innocents Hospital for Children, opened in a 10-room house that accommodated up to 12 beds.

Soon after its opening, Caroline Johnson (wife of Coca-Cola UNITED Founder Crawford Johnson), led a fundraising campaign to renovate the house. These efforts doubled the number of patients the hospital previously served and added patient wards, a new kitchen and an operating room.

Mrs. Johnson became the hospital association’s third president and served for 15 years.

Coca-Cola UNITED is the new presenting sponsor of Regions Tradition

Regions Tradition is May 14-18, 2025. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Good news—the agreement between Coca-Cola UNITED and Regions extends through 2028 and aims to expand charitable contributions.

“Coca-Cola UNITED looks forward to a successful partnership that not only elevates the tournament but also strengthens our shared dedication to making a difference in the lives of children and families.”

Pam Cook, Director of Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED

Learn more about Coca-Cola UNITED’s impact in Birmingham. See you at Regions Tradition, May 14-18!

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Callie Morrison
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