7 free things to do around Birmingham

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Check out free things to do around Birmingham (Pat Byington / Bham Now)

There are plenty of reasons to love Birmingham, but what stands out are all of the FREE things to do here. Keep reading for 7 of your new favorite hang-out spots.

1. Birmingham Botanical Gardens

(Matthew Niblett / Bham Now)
Birmingham Botanical Gardens (Matthew Niblett / Bham Now)

The Botanical Gardens is one of the prettiest and most relaxing places in the whole city. This is a great place to unwind and stop and smell the roses!

2. Birmingham Museum of Art

Birmingham Museum of Art
Birmingham Museum of Art (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

The Birmingham Museum of Art has an amazing collection featuring beautiful art from all around the world. If you’re an art person like me, you’re sure to love this gorgeous and completely free art museum right here in The Magic City.

They have a really cool exhibit right now that I recommend! It’s called “Illuminated Threads: Contemporary and Traditional Rugs”.

3. Sloss Furnaces

SlossLight 20220621 195836 7 free things to do around Birmingham
Sloss Furnace (Bham Now)

This Birmingham landmark is jam packed with local and regional history that you can walk through and experience yourself. Self-guided tours are completely free.

4. Games at Saturn

(Jacon Blankenship / Bham Now)

Saturn is a fabulous local live music venue that also features a bar, coffee shop and tons of free games to play. There are so many reasons to show Saturn some love, but going to play games with friends is one of my personal favorites!

5. Hiking + walking trails

red mountain
Red Mountain State Park (Bham Now)

Birmingham is home to tons of beautiful walking and hiking trails that are free to use!

Here are a few local favorites:

6. Local parks

Railroad Park
(Callie Morrison / Bham Now)

Birmingham’s local parks are amazing places for a nice walk or a picnic with friends.

7. City Walk BHAM

City Walk
CityWalk Bham (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

City Walk is one of my all time favorite places in town. Aside from the super cool location, it offers something for everyone.

They have pickleball courts, events, a dog park, a skate park, food trucks, a playground and so much more.

What are some of your free local faves? Let us know on Facebook and Instagram!

Evie Johnson
Evie Johnson
Articles: 17