McWane’s Animal Ambassador Showdown is Dec. 1-7—vote now for your favorite creature

Reading time: 5 minutes


McWane Science Center, snake, animals
McWane’s oldest snake as of 2024. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Looking to give back locally this holiday season? We have a great way for you and the whole family to support science, cool animals and a beloved Birmingham organization all while having a blast. 

From December 1-7, you can take part in McWane Science Center’s Giving Week by voting for your favorite creature in their Animal Ambassador Showdown

Read on for how to join in on the fun while giving back. 

About McWane’s Animal Ambassador Showdown

McWane Science Center
Moe, the Moray eel, is one of McWane’s majestic underwater animals. (McWane Science Center)

You’ve likely heard of Giving Tuesday—a special day each year designated to donating to your favorite nonprofits.

McWane is expanding this annual day to a Giving Week this year. This means you’ll have seven days to show your support for all the great things they do for our city. 

The best part? The McWane team has created a unique way to get your whole family involved. 

Mark your calendar for McWane’s Animal Ambassador Showdown, December 1-7!

McWane Big Machines Day

How McWane’s Animal Ambassador Showdown works

McWane has chosen seven of its all-star creatures to go head to tail in a friendly fan-favorite competition. 

To participate, follow these steps:

  • Visit the Animal Ambassador website and vote for your favorite animal from Sunday, December 1 to Saturday, December 7. Each vote equals one donation.
  • Check back each day of the Showdown as the votes/donations roll in to see if your champion rises to the top. 

Each dollar counts and directly supports the care of McWane’s animals. 

McWane Big Machines Day

Meet McWane’s Animal Ambassadors

From slithering snakes to terrific turtles, here’s which animals you can vote for during the Animal Ambassador Showdown and when:

Snake Sunday—December 1

McWane Science Center, snake, animals
McWane’s oldest snake as of 2024. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Snakes are sleek, stealthy and slithering. Help them wrap up a win during McWane’s Giving Week.

Vote for McWane’s snakes to help provide them the care and attention they need.

FUN FACT: Snakes live on every continent except for Antarctica.

Moray Eel Monday—Dec. 2

Moray Eel Monday
Moray Eel Monday (McWane Science Center)

Moe, the Moray Eel is an underwater superstar. Help him swim toward the spotlight during McWane’s Giving Week. 

Vote for Moe, the Moray Eel to support his underwater care. 

FUN FACT: Moray eels have two sets of jaws. The pharyngeal jaws located in their throat are used to grab prey and pull it down their throat after the main jaws have captured it.

Turtle Tuesday—Dec. 2

McWane Science Center
Turtle Tuesday (McWane Science Center)

Turtles may not be the fastest creatures, but slow and steady could win them the race during McWane’s Animal Ambassador Showdown. 

Vote now for McWane’s Turtles to provide them with the care they need to live happy and healthy lives. 

FUN FACT: Turtles are amniotes – they breathe air and lay their eggs on land.

Dire Wolf Wednesday—Dec. 3

Direwolf Wednesday (McWane Science Center)

The dire wolf is a large, extinct canine that lived in North and South America with its skeletal remains on display at McWane.

Vote now for the Dire Wolf to support the care and expansion of McWane’s exhibits and paleontology collection.

FUN FACT: Dire Wolves become extinct at the end of the last Ice Age, but they had a powerful bite. Their bite was about 129% stronger than the bite of a modern gray wolf. 

Tarantula Thursday—Dec. 5

McWane Science Center
Tarantula Thursday (McWane Science Center)

Tarantulas are one of McWane’s fascinating eight-legged arachnids. Your vote could help them climb to the top of the competition. 

Vote now for McWane’s Tarantulas to help provide the best care for these unique creatures. 

FUN FACT: Tarantulas are covered with hairs that help them navigate their environment and can even be used as a means of self-defense.

Frog Friday—Friday, Dec. 6

Frog Friday (McWane Science Center)

Marshmallow is McWane’s albino African-clawed frog. His unique look and quirky charm have him ready to hop into the spotlight and win.

Vote now for Marshmallow to support his care and help him thrive in his watery world.

FUN FACT: African clawed frogs can reach 15-16 years old in the wild. In captivity, they have been known to live as long as 20 years.

Stingray Saturday—Dec. 7

McWane Science Center
Stingray Saturday (McWane Science Center)

You’ll find many stingrays in McWane’s touch tank. A vote for them could help them glide past the competition. 

Vote now for McWane’s Stingrays to support their care and well-being. 

FUN FACT: Stingray bodies are composed entirely of cartilage, no bones

McWane Big Machines Day

Why you should support McWane Science Center during Giving Week, Dec. 1-7

McWane Science Center, You Build It Exhibit
Kids love learning at McWane Science Center in Birmingham. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

If you’ve been to McWane Science Center, you know it’s a huge and exciting space where you can learn, play and discover. But did you know it’s also one of Birmingham’s many important nonprofits?

This special science museum and research center offers all sorts of education and entertainment opportunities to families, kids and individuals of all ages, including: 

  • Hands-on exhibits
  • Innovating programming 
  • One-of-a-kind experiences

To provide all of these unique opportunities to our city, McWane relies on the generous support donors.

McWane’s Giving Week is the perfect time to show them some love. 

When you contribute, you’ll help provide:

  • Care to McWane’s Animal Ambassadors
  • Updates to exhibits
  • Repairs to its historic building
  • STEM education for underserved community members

Ready to support McWane Science Center this holiday season? Take part in their Animal Ambassador Showdown, December 1-7 or donate now.

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