Reviewed by: Patience Itson
November is Adoption Awareness Month—check out this teen’s amazing story
Reading time: 4 minutes

Sam, originally from Gadsden, was put into foster care before his 11th birthday. At 17 years old, he was adopted by Matt and Joe with the help of Heart Gallery Alabama.
We sat down with Sam to discuss his journey, why he advocates for teen adoption and how Heart Gallery changed his life forever.
What is Heart Gallery Alabama?

Heart Gallery Alabama is not an adoption agency—it’s more like a bridge between adoptive parents and children in foster care.
On their website, prospective parents can view a detailed list of foster children featuring professional photos, biographies and even short video snippets showing their personalities.
Plus, they offer a S.O.A.R. mentor program, a Hope from the Heart birthday program that provides birthday presents for youth featured on their website and continued support for kids after adoption.
“Other than their adoptions, one of the best things Heart Gallery does is celebrate birthdays. I had my first at age 11 and they continued until I was 17, in foster care.
You see these other kids like that you go to school with who are having these big grand parties and getting nice presents. For them, it’s pretty normal, but it seems really grand to you. I think that to someone in foster care, providing them with a small amount of hope and joy through a gift means everything.”
Sam Bungo-French
Sam’s teen adoption journey

According to Sam, most prospective parents don’t want to adopt teenagers because they believe it’s too late to make an impression on them. However, that couldn’t be further from his experience.
Although Sam spent most of his adolescence in foster care, he says being adopted by Joe and Matt has expanded his perspective and what he dreamed possible.
“Growing up in foster care, I taught myself a lot, like how to write a check, how to change oil in a car, how to change a tire and how to shave.
Even though my parents weren’t there for that, they were still proactive in teaching me essential things like investing money and managing my bank balance. They’ve also helped me a lot with my education.
When I was in foster care, my dream job was to run a Target. Back then, it seemed like a huge goal to me. Now, my goal is to start my own company. Just by being my parents, they’ve given me more to aspire to.”
Sam Bungo-French
Through every step of his adoption process, Heart Gallery was there to support him and his parents.
“I feel like many people would look at my relationship with my parents and think I had been with them my entire life. Being adopted as a teenager was life-changing for me. All the credit goes to Heart Gallery. They helped me through the adoption process and continue to support me today.”
Sam Bungo-French
How Sam gives back to Heart Gallery Alabama

Now, a couple years after his adoption, Sam is attending college at UAB thanks to the Fostering Hope scholarship. A first-generation college student, Sam is one of the only people in his biological family that have graduated high school and gone to college.
These days, Sam spends much of his free time giving back to Heart Gallery by participating in interviews, volunteering at events and advocating for teen adoption.
“I’m the type of person where if you give me a great opportunity, I’m not going to throw it away, and I will eventually return that favor. Helping out Heart Gallery is my way of continually thanking them for the opportunity they’ve given me.
They’re the whole reason I got adopted. If Heart Gallery did not exist in my life at that time, I would have aged out. I probably wouldn’t have gone to college, and I wouldn’t have had the high aspirations I do today.”
Sam Bungo-French
November is National Adoption Month! Celebrate by giving back—make a donation today or learn more about mentoring + fostering opportunities through Heart Gallery Alabama.
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