Meet Bham Now’s new Social Media Coordinator, Molly Reed 

Reading time: 3 minutes

Molly Reed
Molly Reed is Bham Now’s newest addition. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

With several of the most popular and informative social media accounts in the city, Bham Now is known for bringing YOU the latest local news in a fun and friendly way. Our work wouldn’t be possible without a dedicated team of talented social media experts—and we just added another to our squad!

Read on to meet Molly Reed, our new Social Media Coordinator. 

Molly has a passion for creating content

Molly Reed
Molly Reed has always been driven + creative. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Molly’s social media journey began in her teens when she ran social media for her parents’ business in Memphis, Tennessee.

She wanted to learn as much as she could, so she took it upon herself to take online courses and earn certifications. She then began her own freelance business running social media for multiple clients in Memphis.

Molly attended the University of Alabama, where she studied marketing and entrepreneurship while continuing to freelance.

“I’ve been business-savvy ever since I was a kid. It runs in my family. I have grown to love creating content that grabs people’s attention all while contributing to the success of a business.

Molly Reed, Social Media Coordinator, Bham Now

What brought Molly to Birmingham?

Molly Reed
We are so excited to have you, Molly! (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Although Molly is from Tennessee, she had family in Birmingham she would visit as a child.

“I always loved visiting Birmingham as a kid. I loved the food, the shopping and the proximity to the beach and other fun things. I always knew I wanted to live here eventually.”

Molly Reed, Social Media Coordinator, Bham Now

After Molly graduated from UA, she moved to Birmingham to live with her friend and search for job opportunities.

She began as a social media intern at Bham Now this July before she was quickly offered the full-time Social Media Coordinator position, where she will manage the Facebook page, help with Instagram and work on ad campaigns.

She is excited to be part of a knowledgeable team while growing her skills and connecting with people.

“Molly hit the ground running with us as an intern this summer. As a fresh grad from University of Alabama, she has proven her skills. We’re looking forward to her growing our already existing, large social media base.”

Cindy Martin, Founder & CEO, Bham Now

Welcome, Molly Reed! We are thrilled to have you as our new Social Media Coordinator.

Want to stay in the know about what’s new+happening in and around Birmingham? Follow Bham Now on FacebookTikTok, and Instagram and be sure to subscribe to our FREE newsletter.

Audrey Kent
Audrey Kent
Articles: 42