See the magic of United Ability + hear a local family’s story on August 17

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Jamey and Fleury family, United Ability
Jamey (L) loves his classmates at United Ability. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Five-year-old Jamey Fleury was born with Down syndrome and thanks to United Ability, he’s thriving. On Saturday, August 17, his family will be honored at the annual Journey of Hope.

You’re invited to celebrate United Ability’s programs, participants and supporters. Check out this local family’s story and why you should get tickets to Journey of Hope 2024 today.

Know before you go: Journey of Hope 2024

  • When: Saturday, August 17
    • 5PM: Doors open, cocktails + hors d’oeuvres served
    • 6:30PM: Seated program
    • 7:30PM: Dessert reception
  • Where: UAB Alys Stephens Center, 1200 10th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35294
  • Cost:
    • Ages 13 + up: $100
    • Ages 7-12: $35
    • Ages 0-6: FREE
  • Get tickets now

Here’s a glance at what you can expect:

  • Brian + Courtney Fleury’s powerful testimony
  • Honoring the legacy of service of Dr. Jimmie Harvey
  • A silent auction
  • Entertainment from Kevin Spencer, a world-renowned illusionist
  • Hors d’oeuvres + dessert from Happy Catering + drinks by Tito’s + Tre Luna

Meet the Fleurys

Jamey and Fleury family, United Ability
Jamey and his mom, Courtney Fleury (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Five years ago, Courtney and Brian Fleury found out their son Jamey would be born with Down syndrome.

After researching resources around Birmingham, the couple told me they heard great things about United Ability from different people.

“I heard of United Ability because my sister volunteered with them 20 years ago. Brian found out about it on a completely different note from a colleague.

It all came full circle, and it was a no-brainer based on all the services and resources they provide.”

Courtney Fleury
Jamey Fleury, United Ability
Jamey Fleury has attended Hand In Hand for five years. (Champ Creative)

When Jamey was six months old, they enrolled him at United Ability’s Hand In Hand Early Learning Program.

When I sat down with the Fleurys, they sang praises about the organization—specifically Hand In Hand.

“As a dad, my favorite part is seeing Jamey walk around. When we’re dropping him off or picking him up, Jamey comes across people who work at Hand In Hand and he knows exactly who they are. He’s walking around high-fiving or giving fist bumps.

The fact that so many people are there to help him grow is the most satisfying part.”

Brian Fleury

Meet the Fleurys and others at United Ability when you get tickets for Journey of Hope 2024.

Everyone is included at Hand In Hand

Jamey and Fleury family, United Ability
(L-R) Jamey, his mom Courtney and Theo (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Part of what makes the Hand In Hand program so special is the community.

Whether it’s the students, teachers, kitchen or front-desk staff—they’re all family.

“Whether it’s a typical kid or a kid with a disability, they all say ‘Hi’ to Jamey and embrace him. They’re all equal and don’t look at him any differently.”

Brian Fleury

Get your tickets to Journey of Hope 2024

Journey of Hope United Ability
Support a local mission at Journey of Hope 2024. (United Ability)

You can meet the Fleurys and countless others who have been impacted by United Ability at Journey of Hope 2024.

“Journey of Hope benefits people with disabilities and shows the community how people with disabilities can be impactful and have meaning.

It’s wonderful how organizations like United Ability continue to grow and serve more people every year.”

Courtney Fleury

Learn more about Journey of Hope 2024 and secure your seat for an amazing night.

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Callie Morrison
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