Reviewed by: Callie Morrison
How to keep your Birmingham home safe from fires with 4 easy steps
Reading time: 4 minutes

Of Birmingham’s 99 neighborhoods, two of the five near Protective Stadium have the highest number of reported fires per year.
To help increase fire safety in those areas, Protective canvassed neighborhoods with the American Red Cross (ARC).
The ARC and Birmingham Fire Department will install free smoke detectors and help create evacuation plans.
Keep reading to learn the three most common causes of residential fires and how to keep your home and loved ones safe.
3 common causes of home fires + 4 easy steps to stay safe

The American Red Cross in Birmingham responds to over 600 fires each year in Central Alabama. Of these, the leading causes are:
- Cooking fires
- Electrical fires
- Home heating fires
Home fire prevention requires some simple steps anyone can take:
- Install + maintain working smoke alarms. Seven people die daily from home fires across the US—a working smoke alarm cuts the risk of death in half.
- Check the install date on the underside of your alarm—even hardwired ones only last about 10 years.
- When the clocks spring forward + fall back each year, it’s time to test all the smoke alarms in your house.
- Change the batteries on battery-powered alarms once a year.
- Keep space heaters a safe distance from flammable materials (think blankets or curtains).
- Stay in the kitchen the whole time you’re cooking.
- Avoid using extension cords with high-power appliances (such as refrigerators, A/C units, space heaters or washers + dryers).
“The Birmingham Fire Department offers free smoke detectors to every resident of the City of Birmingham. We have a goal of having smoke detectors in every household in the City of Birmingham to help reduce fire fatalities and reduce some of the fire calls that we respond to.”
Cory D. Moon, Fire Chief, City of Birmingham, Alabama
Check out American Red Cross’ Home Fire Safety resources for more great info + request free smoke alarms if you need them.
You need a home evacuation plan, too

When I was five and my house burned, my parents acted decisively to get my little brother and me out of the house safely.
Because of this experience, I know first-hand how essential it is to have a plan to evacuate quickly in case of fire. American Red Cross has a handy chart to print out and fill in with the particulars of your home and family.
This way you’ll have thought through all possible scenarios long before an emergency.

Be sure to account for special circumstances, including:
- Burglar bars—make sure you have an alternate escape route or keep a key nearby that will allow you to open or remove them.
- Disability / blindness / hearing impairment / elderly—American Red Cross installs FREE bed shaker smoke alarms that vibrate the bed + utilize a strobe light to alert individuals of smoke in their homes. Just notify ARC of the need + they’ll send a team to your home for a quick + simple installation.
- Children—you need a plan to get them up (if needed) + out safely, no matter their ages.
Why does this matter? Most people don’t realize you only have about two minutes to evacuate in case of a fire.
That’s a small amount of time between having a story to tell and becoming a statistic.
Protective is proud to promote fire safety

In May of 2024, as part of its Protecting Good Program, Protective employees canvassed the neighborhoods around Protective Stadium to offer free smoke detectors and installation as well as tools for developing a home evacuation plan.
“We’re immensely grateful for corporations like Protective who care so deeply and passionately about our community. We continue to work together to save lives in Alabama.”
Anne Rygiel, Executive Director, Mid Alabama chapter of the American Red Cross
Check out American Red Cross’ Home Fire Safety resources + request free smoke alarms if you need them.
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Protective refers to Protective Life Corporation and insurance company subsidiaries, including Protective Life Insurance Company, Nashville, TN, and Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company, Birmingham, AL. Protective(r) is a registered trademark of Protective Life Insurance Company.