Get tickets now for this first-of-its-kind Latinx Pride Celebration—June 13th at Avenue D


AIDS Alabama, CALA, Latinx Pride
Staff + volunteers with CALA at a community health fair. (Centro de Acceso para Latinos en Alabama)

Pride Month is here and you’re invited to a first-of-its-kind Pride event called “Empower Latinex with Love!” on Thursday, June 13, from 7-11PM at Avenue D Events.

Keep reading to learn all about the organizations hosting the event, the life-giving work they do in the community and their big plans for the future.

You’re invited: Empower Latinex with Love!

Empower Latinex with Love, Latinx Pride
Empower Latinex with Love! (AIDS Alabama)
  • What: Pride month celebration + fundraiser, featuring delicious food, music + live entertainment
    • Alcohol, beverages + desserts will be available for purchase separately
  • Who: El Centro de Acceso para Latinos de Alabama (CALA) + Revolution & Evolution in Alabama of Latinx (REAL)
  • When: Thursday, June 13, 7-11PM
  • Where: Avenue D Events, 3008 4th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35233
  • Cost: $35
  • Get tickets | Become a sponsor | Donate

Meet CALA: Centro de Acceso para Latinos en Alabama

AIDS Alabama, CALA, Latinx Pride
CALA in the community. (Centro de Acceso para Latinos en Alabama)

Together with medical providers and community liaisons, CALA (the Alabama Latino Access Center, or Centro de Acceso para Latinos en Alabama) connects people with healthcare and other services.

They work with Latinx living with HIV/AIDS in Alabama, their partners and their families. They provide support to follow up with treatment as well as other supportive services.

Meet Jean Hernandez, Central Alabama Pride’s 2024 Ally of the Year

Ally of the Year 2024, Central Alabama Pride; Jean Hernandez (Centro de Aceso para Latinos en Alabama)

Jean Hernandez first came to Alabama from Puerto Rico in 2010, and has been working with AIDS Alabama since 2011. Her ability to connect with people and provide support, prayers, hugs and more make her feel like an auntie to the community. 

In addition to providing support, her goal is to help develop leadership skills within the community so people can advocate for themselves and for LGBTQIA+ rights and be proud of who they are.

“For me to be recognized as an ally, it validates a lot of years I’ve been supporting my community—my respect, my devotion, my passion for justice and for the community is everything. It was amazing—I feel very honored.”

Jean Hernandez, Latinx Outreach Coordinator, AIDS Alabama

A center of their own

AIDS Alabama, Centro de Acceso para Latinos en Alabama), Latinx Pride
Culture is a big part of CALA’s events, like this one celebrating Mother’s Day. (Centro de Acceso para Latinos en Alabama)

CALA—now seven years old—is working to create their own center where they can continue to provide free services to Latinos living with HIV and their families. Here is some of what they currently provide: 

  • Conference opportunities + leadership skills development
  • Emergency + immigration assistance
  • Free health screenings + access to low-cost medical services 
  • Health education + outreach events
  • Holiday gatherings, including Thanksgiving + Christmas dinners

After the fundraiser, CALA plans to launch a program where they provide eye exams and $150 vouchers for people in the community. They also plan to provide financial assistance for medical costs.

“The majority of people in the community don’t have health insurance. I always say health insurance is a luxury. If your work pays for it, you are blessed. That is not the case for the majority of people we serve. The fundraiser will help us keep doing these services. 

Our dream is to open a center so we can provide food and clothing to the community, in addition to medical services.”

Jean Hernandez, Latinx Outreach Coordinator, AIDS Alabama

Get your tickets now to Empower Latinex with Love! | Sponsor the event. | Donate to help make the dream of a center for the Latinx community a reality.

Meet REAL: Revolution + Evolution in Alabama of Latinx

Revolution & Evolution in Alabama of Latinx from Gina Mallisham on Vimeo.

REAL is co-hosting the event with CALA. Here’s what you need to know about them:

“An estimated 225,000+ residents in Alabama are neglected by community services that do not prioritize accommodations for those who speak Spanish.

REAL is fostering change for LGBTQIA+ Alabamians affected by this disparity.”

What to expect at Empowering Latinex with Love!

REAL, Centro de Acceso para Latinos de Alabama, AIDS Alabama
REAL at the 2023 Pride Parade in Birmingham. (Centro de Acceso para Latinos de Alabama)

Jean let us know what to expect at the event:

  • Mexican food: choose from three plates + add your own condiments | fresh fruit + desserts | wine + beer available for purchase
  • Short video testimonials from program beneficiaries
  • Drag queen performances + charming, funny hosts to celebrate Pride
  • Dancing to Latin music
  • Photobooth

Having an event like this means a lot to the community:

“It means that the LGBTQ community in Birmingham is getting more brown and more diverse. It’s a statement of what we can do for Pride for LGBTQ Latinx—we are an organization that by and for them, and we’re proud of it.

It’s important to collaborate and support each other’s causes, and it’s also good to stand out as a group of Latinx and say ‘you need help, or information, or you don’t know anyone here, or you don’t speak the language? We’re here for you.’

This is about showcasing the LGBTQ community—they will be the star of the show.”

Jean Hernandez, Latinx Outreach Coordinator, AIDS Alabama

“No one struggles alone in this family”

(L) “No one struggles alone in this family” (Centro de Acceso para Latinos en Alabama) | (R) Sponsorship Levels (CALA)

Whether or not you can make it to the party, you can still get involved:

  • Become a sponsor: Organizers would love to have a representative from aligned organizations there to do outreach with the LGBTQ community. Email Jean Hernandez at AIDS Alabama for more info.
  • Donate: Select the quantity or type the amount you’d like to donate + make a one-time or recurring monthly tax-deductible donation.

Get your tickets now to Empower Latinex with Love! | Sponsor the event. | Donate to help make the dream of a center for the Latinx community a reality.

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Sharron Swain
Sharron Swain

Writer, Interviewer + Adventurer | Telling stories to make a difference

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