Regions announces new initiative to support local charitable giving priorities

Reading time: 3 minutes

Regions Bank
Regions Bank in downtown Birmingham (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Regions Bank is known for its hand in community events, nonprofit organizations and more efforts around Birmingham. On Monday, April 15, Regions announced the launch of its Philanthropic Solutions Group to promote the growth of organizations and individuals across the Magic City.

Here’s what we know.

Philanthropic Solutions will serve families, individuals + organizations across Birmingham

According to a press release from Regions, this group is made up of a team of advisors in the bank’s Wealth Management division. The goal is to provide support for clients’ asset management, mission and charitable giving priorities.

The group will support:

  • Families
  • Individuals
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Private foundations
  • Public charities

These clients will benefit from the resources, solutions and insights from advisors experienced in charitable giving, nonprofit administration, investment leadership and more.

“For decades, Regions Wealth Management has been a trusted resource for clients who have a purpose and passion for using their resources to advance good work across our communities.

With the launch of the Philanthropic Solutions group, we’re enhancing how we deliver guidance, insights and solutions through a centralized focus on helping clients through the dynamics of stewarding their investment assets and portfolio construction. That, in turn, can deepen clients’ charitable missions and leave a strong legacy.”

Bill Ritter, head of Regions Wealth Management in a press release

Meet the leader of Philanthropic Solutions—Marcie Braswell

Marcie Braswell, group leader of Philanthropic Solutions (Regions)
Marcie Braswell, group leader of Philanthropic Solutions (Regions)

The group is led by Marcie Braswell who has more than a decade of experience in consulting with nonprofits and foundations, according to Regions.

“Braswell previously led the Endowments & Foundations team within Regions Institutional Services for nearly a decade and brings a depth of experience in consulting with nonprofits and foundations.

In her new role, Braswell will guide the expanded group of advisors to provide subject-matter advice, thought leadership, investment, administrative solutions and more.”

Regions Bank

In the press release, Braswell offered her excitement for this group and why she believes it’s necessary for organizations and individuals.

“Through our Philanthropic Solutions group, we can deliver more customized advice and guidance to clients in ways that impact people and communities for generations. We look forward to welcoming our current clients—and new clients—to this expanded approach toward strategically managing and reaching philanthropic goals.”

Marcie Braswell, Philanthropic Solutions for Regions Bank

The Regions team works hard to support Alabama cities not only through financial resources but also through scholarships, community service, leadership programs and now, Philanthropic Solutions.

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Callie Morrison
Callie Morrison
Articles: 383