Save that shiny pop tab off your soda can, Birmingham—here’s why

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RMHCA Pop Tab Party
Priceville Junior High School won the 2023 Pop Tab Pandemonium. (RMHCA)

Nicole Story has been teaching at Priceville Junior High School near Decatur for 32 years. During her tenure, she has taught many students who spent time at the Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham.

In 2023, Nicole and other teachers and students at Priceville participated in Pop Tab Pandemonium. Together, they donated over 560,000 pop tabs to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama (RMHCA).

You can help the mission of RMHCA and keep families across Alabama together by donating your pop tabs—find out how.

How Priceville Junior High won their first RMHCA Pop Tab Pandemonium

RMHCA Pop Tab Party, Priceville Junior High School
Albany Holmes attends Priceville + stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. (Nicole Story)

Nicole told us that this was the first year her school had participated in RMHCA’s annual Pop Tab Pandemonium—a school-based contest for K-12 public and private schools.

When I asked her why they decided to participate, her response centered around one thing: the children.

“We’ve seen a lot of kids [at school] who have gone through different illnesses. We thought, ‘Surely we can do something.'”

Nicole Story

Fun fact: One of these students includes Albany Holmes, who you see in the picture above!

“So, we started a competition to see which teacher would turn in the most pop tabs. It turned out a lot better than I was expecting.”

Nicole Story

Collecting over 560,000 pop tabs, Priceville Junior High won the 2023 Pop Tab Pandemonium with RMHCA.

Why pop tabs?

RMHCA Pop Tab Party
Local schools love Pop Tab Parties. (RMHCA)

Since 2001, communities across Alabama have made a huge impact through tiny pop tabs!

How does it work? RMHCA receives funds from local recycling centers based on the going rate per pound of aluminum recycled.

This fundraiser takes pop tabs from aluminum cans because they save space and are worth more. Aluminum is recycled based on weight—so, surprisingly, a box of tabs weighs more than a box of empty aluminum cans.

The funds raised help families who stay at the House—covering things like utility bills and supplies.

Psst, I heard the goal was to raise $15,000 this year. If RMHCA reaches this goal, that will cover 120 nights in the House!

Donate your pop tabs to RMHCA

RMHCA Pop Tab Party
Pike Liberal Arts School at a 2023 Pop Tab Party. (RMHCA)

Schools, families and businesses alike collect pop tabs throughout the year and donate them for recycling either at the House, local donation centers or through annual Pop Tab Parties.

Here’s how you can help:

1. Donate at the RMHCA Pop Tab House

If you have a small collection (less than 10 gallon-sized Ziploc bags) you can drop off your tabs at the Ronald McDonald House. Look for the wooden Pop Tab House at the end of the driveway!

2. Attend a Pop Tab Party

RMHCA Pop Tab Parties 2024 flyer
Find a Pop Tab Party near you. (RMHCA)

If you have a larger amount of tabs (filling or exceeding the trunk of your car), attend a Pop Tab Party.

Wondering what to expect at a Pop Tab Party? Alongside donating to a local mission, you have a chance to receive giveaways and to make a donation for the new Pop Tab T-shirt while supplies last.

Check out the events calendar and find a Pop Tab Party near you.

3. Drop off your pop tabs at a recycling center

Can’t make it to a party? Drop your tabs at one of RMHCA’s local recycling partners

Let the center know you are dropping off tabs for RMHCA. This is the only way they can track proceeds.

4. Buy a Pop Tab T-shirt

RMHCA Pop Tab Parties t-shirt
Order a Pop Tab T-shirt (RMHCA)

Support RMHCA in style when you order a Pop Tab T-shirt. You can get them for $15 at Pop Tab Parties or at the Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham. Or, RMHCA can ship them to you for $20.

“We tell our students all the time ‘it just takes one person to make a difference.’ It’s the same way with the pop tabs. Every one of them counts and will make a difference.”

Nicole Story

Take the pop tab off of that can and donate it to RMHCA—it goes a long way!

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