Job-seekers: 18K+ jobs available now around Birmingham

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Railroad Park jobs availble in birmingham jobs
Over 18K Birmingham jobs to apply for. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

There are 18,759 jobs available around the Greater Birmingham Area right now, according to Keep scrolling for local openings and see how you can land a job in our favorite city.

Check out Bham Now’s current featured listings

Low numbers for Alabama’s unemployment rate

According to the Alabama Department of Labor Market Information Division, Alabama had an unemployment rate of 2.4% in November, which is 1.3% less than the national rate.

Birmingham job market by the numbers

Wondering what your chances are of landing that job? AlabamaWorks! reveals that there are 4,374 candidates for 18,759 openings in the Birmingham-Hoover statistical area.

Available jobs in Birmingham

Brookwood Baptist ER jobs available in birmingham jobs
Marc Beech with the Brookwood Baptist ER team. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Whether you are looking for a job in healthcare, education, retail or tech, Bham has the perfect spot for you.

Here are the top 10 employers in The Magic City with the most job openings, according to

  1. University of Alabama at Birmingham (892)
  2. Grandview Medical Center (616)
  3. UAB Medicine (423)
  4. Dollar General (324)
  5. Tenet Healthcare (257)
  6. Hibbett Sports (254)
  7. Children’s of Alabama (236)
  8. Ascension (189)
  9. State Farm (164)
  10. Right At Home (161)

Looking for more companies around Birmingham to work for? Check out these opportunities and perspectives from local professionals:

Wanting to branch out of the Magic City? Lucky for you, there are 13K+ job listings around Huntsville right now.

Looking for jobs in Birmingham? Check out our job listings. If you’re an employer, post your open positions here.

Callie Morrison
Callie Morrison
Articles: 389