Vestavia Hills Elementary Central to become non-profit hub

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Vestavia central
Vestavia Elementary School Central will be renovated into a hub for educational non-profits. (Grace Howard/ Bham Now)

For nearly five years, Vestavia Hills Elementary Central campus has been vacant. In November, Ammie Akin and her husband Will Akin purchased the property with plans to turn it into a hub for local non-profits, reports the Vestavia Voice.

Vestavia Central Elementary vacant since 2019

After 30 years of use as a school for fourth and fifth grade students in the Vestavia area, the school system acquired Gresham Elementary School. Renamed Vestavia Hills Elementary Dolly Ridge, the new school replaced Vestavia Hills Central Elementary and the campus was vacated.

According to the Vestavia Voice, the $1.2 million sale was approved by the Vestavia Hills Board of Education on November 2. It includes the school and the office building that sits in front of it, but not the track and soccer field.

“Hub in the Hills” is coming soon

The renovated school will be called “Hub in the Hills,” intended to house educational non-profits. The mind behind “Hub in the Hills” is Ammie Akin, an educator with 20 years of experience spanning from elementary to high school and college. Akin has also been an active institutor of several educational non-profits like Unless U, an organization that supports adults with educational disabilities.

Now that Akin and her husband have purchased the school, the next several months will be dedicated to redesigning the space and recruiting educational non-profits to get involved.

What do you think about this new project? Tag us @bhamnow and let us know!

Grace Howard
Grace Howard
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