Look inside this beautiful women-focused substance use treatment center in Alabama

Reading time: 4 minutes


Women chatting in kitchen at A Reprieve for Women
Bradford is breaking down stigmas and finding solutions. (Sabrina Palmer / Bham Now)

Forget everything you’ve ever known about substance use treatment centers. At A Reprieve for Women, near The University of Alabama, 98% of the staff have gone through treatment, so they know how to help the women they serve.

Read on to get a sneak peek inside this beautiful home and learn how you can help break down the stigmas preventing women from receiving the treatment they need.

Take a tour of A Reprieve

Gorgeous home setting

Pool at A Reprieve for Women
Women at A Reprieve can relax by the pool. (Bradford Health Services)

A Reprieve for Women is not your average treatment center. At this spacious modern home, you can find family-style amenities, such as a pool and theater room.

According to Leah Parker, a therapist at A Reprieve, Bradford Health Services carefully selected this home-like setting to create a comfortable environment for women.

“Our goal is for A Reprieve to be a home away from home. l think it’s a huge benefit to have this house setting because the women feel more comfortable and are able to open up more during their stay.”

Leah Parker, Therapist, A Reprieve for Women

Wondering what a typical day looks like at this women-focused substance use treatment center? Here are a few common activities at A Reprieve:

  • AA meetings
  • Exercise sessions at gym
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Meals prepared by a local chef
  • Spirituality groups
  • Volunteer + community events
  • Yoga classes

Interested in a home-style treatment center for yourself or a loved one? Call A Reprieve for Women’s Admission Line: 334-849-7208.

Breaking down pre-treatment stigmas around women

Women with cat at A Reprieve for Women
Bradford has created a nurturing environment at A Reprieve for Women. (Sabrina Palmer / Bham Now)

Bradford Health Services recognizes that treatment shouldn’t look the same for men and women.

According to Leah Parker, it generally takes longer for women to pick up the phone and call a treatment center.

“Women are the epitome of ‘it’s fine until it’s not fine.’ Studies show us that once a problem becomes evident, the consequences are far more intense for women.”

Leah Parker, Therapist, A Reprieve for Women

Parker noted that family members also deny substance abuse signs in women more than in men.

“When it comes to substance abuse and women, you hardly ever see them homeless on the side of the street. But you do see a breakdown in their careers, family life and ability to be present. Since the issue is often not as visible in women, family members tend to deny the need for treatment for a longer time period.”

Leah Parker, Therapist, A Reprieve for Women

Additionally, as Brooke Ashcraft, the administrator of A Reprieve for Women notes, the factor of motherhood must be taken into account, as many women are hesitant to leave their kids to receive treatment.

Enriching community

Staff at A Reprieve for Women
The amazing staff at A Reprieve for Women—the ultimate women-focused substance use treatment center. (Sabrina Palmer / Bham Now)

With all these stigmas surrounding women in mind, Bradford Health Services has crafted A Reprieve to be holistic and intensive women-focused substance use treatment center.

Unlike Bradford’s other facilities, A Reprieve features longer stays for patients, usually ranging from 6-12 months. This allows the patients to go through an in-depth, 12-step recovery process, all while making connections with other women around them.

“Our priority is to create a therapeutic and loving environment where women can not only find long-term sobriety but also rebuild their lives and relationships.”

Brooke Ashcraft, Administrator, A Reprieve for Women

A Reprieve features women of all ages—from 18 to 65 years old—and a helpful staff who truly understands what they are going through.

“98% of our staff is in recovery as well, so we understand the treatment ourselves. We’ve been in the exact same place that they are, and that’s something that kind of sets us apart. You can walk into A Reprieve knowing it’s a safe and understanding environment.”

Brooke Ashcraft, Administrator, A Reprieve for Women

Call A Reprieve for Women today

Living room at A Reprieve for Women
The home-like setting at A Reprieve is so cozy and inviting. (Sabrina Palmer / Bham Now)

If you have been hesitating to look into treatment, be reassured that the long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term sacrifices.

“It’s going to feel like the opposite of every maternal instinct to leave your home and kids to come to treatment. However, your home and your family can’t thrive if you don’t receive help. It’s a short-term loss for long-term gain.”

Leah Parker, Therapist, A Reprieve for Women

A Reprieve for Women is the ultimate women-focused substance use treatment center for you or a loved one. Call 334-849-7208 today.

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