Tech or Treat is a FREE way to celebrate Halloween in Birmingham—Tuesday, October 24, 3:30-6PM

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(Innovation Depot)
Celebrate Halloween early with Tech or Treat. (Innovation Depot)

Halloween is just around the corner, but you don’t have to wait until the 31st to try out your costume and fill your basket with candy. On Tuesday, October 24 from 3:30-6PM, Innovation Depot is hosting their third annual “Tech or Treat” event—and you’re invited!

Read on to learn more about the event.

Innovation Depot’s Tech or Treat is FREE and open families, adults and kids of all ages—but make sure to RSVP online!

Celebrate Halloween at Tech or Treat

(Innovation Depot)
Tech or Treat is fun for the whole family. (Innovation Depot)

Held at Innovation Depot in Birmingham, Tech or Treat is an annual Halloween celebration put on by the Depot and its member companies. The event was started by Innovation Depot in 2021 as a way to connect with the community and showcase the work of the 128 companies that call the Depot home.

“At Innovation Depot, we’re all about coming together as a community. ‘Tech Or Treat’ is where our startups, local businesses, and families join forces for an unforgettable Halloween experience!”

Brooke Gillis, CEO, Innovation Depot
(Innovation Depot)
Innovation Depot has decorated the building in Halloween decor for Tech or Treat. (Innovation Depot)

To celebrate Halloween, Innovation Depot and its member companies have spent the past weeks dressing up the Depot in all sorts of spooky decor.

 “From the awesome door decorations to the epic costumes, the startups help transform this building into a spooky wonderland. It’s a day when kids get to see where their parents work, and everyone comes together for pure Halloween fun!”

Ritchie Kruunenberg, Director of Marketing & Operations, Innovation Depot

Candy, door prizes and food from local vendors

Candy is every kid's favorite part of Halloween. (Innovation Depot)
Candy is every kid’s favorite part of Halloween. (Innovation Depot)

For kids, one of the best parts of Halloween is dumping all the candy to see how many of your favorite candies you collected (mine were always Reese’s).

At Tech or Treat, kids will be thrilled to trick-or-treat down the halls of Innovation Depot and get candy from members of participating companies!

The fun isn’t just for kids. Both kids and adults are invited to dress up in their Halloween best to participate in the Tech or Treat Costume Contest.

Winners of the costume contest will be awarded gift cards to Crestline Bagel and Tasty Town (for adults) and gift bags filled with toys, candy, and other fun Halloween goodies (for kids).

Oh, and did we mentioned that the event will be catered by Pihakis Restaurant Group and Crestline Bagel?

RSVP for Tech or Treat at Innovation Depot.

Hosted by Innovation Depot

(Innovation Depot)
Celebrate Halloween early at Tech or Treat. (Innovation Depot)

Tech or Treat is hosted by Innovation Depot, an incubator facility located in Birmingham that equips tech-enabled companies with the necessary resources for successful growth. Through a diverse range of programming, amenities, and events, Innovation Depot fosters a thriving environment for tech-driven businesses. Innovation Depot stands as the Southeast’s largest tech incubator, setting the benchmark for innovation and entrepreneurial support in the region.

Learn more about Innovation Depot at Tech or Treat on Tuesday, October 24—RSVP here.

Planning to attend Tech or Treat at Innovation Depot? Tag us at @bhamnow to share your photos from the event!

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Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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