City of Irondale to host free National Night Out, Oct. 3

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Attend the City of Irondale’s National Night Out on October 3. (City of Irondale)

Take a much-needed break from end-of-day couch surfing—on Tuesday, October 3, the City of Irondale is hosting a free National Night Out Event, and you’re invited. Read on for details on this annual community event.

About Irondale’s National Night Out Event

The City of Irondale’s National Night Out event is an annual community-building effort promoting public safety, community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make the city a safer, stronger place to live. Hosting this year’s event is the City of Irondale’s Police Department, Fire Department and Mayor James D. Stewart, Jr.

“We are excited to host the largest National Night Out Event we’ve ever had in the City of Irondale. Our goal is to raise awareness about public safety while also strengthening the bonds between the police department, fire department and our citizens.”

City of Irondale Mayor James D. Stewart, Jr. via a press release

What to expect during the City of Irondale’s October 3 event

Grab your family and friends, because everyone is welcome to attend the City of Irondale’s National Night Out Event on Tuesday, October 3 from 6-8PM.

Here’s what to expect during the event:

  • FREE hot dogs, drinks + ice cream
  • An up-close look at fire + police equipment
  • Family-friendly activities including a petting zoo, face painting + games

In addition to police and fire personnel, there will be representatives on-site from associated local advocacy groups that will provide information on resources and services designed to help citizens navigate difficult times.

City of Irondale National Night Out Event details

When: Tuesday, October 3 | 6-8PM
Where: Irondale Civic Center, 3521 Ratliff Rd, Irondale, AL 35210
Cost: Free

For more events, check out the City of Irondale’s event calendar.

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Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 1795