Fly to Neverland with the cast of Peter Pan, June 15-July 2 at Virginia Samford Theatre

Reading time: 5 minutes


Peter Pan
See Peter Pan at Virginia Samford Theatre, June 15-July 2. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Cue the pixie dust, it’s time to fly to Neverland—Peter Pan soars to the Virginia Samford Theatre (VST) stage, June 25-July 2. From sword fights with Peter and Captain Hook to incredible costumes and sets, read on to discover why this is the must-see show of the summer. Psst—the actors really fly! Get your tickets now

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Go on an adventure with Peter Pan and the rest of the Neverland crew—get your tickets now.

1. You’ll see classic characters come to life

Peter Pan
You can tell you’re in for some entertainment! (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Get ready for a big show—VST’s production of Peter Pan features a large cast with 27 actors! Three characters you’re sure to recognize during the show are Peter, Wendy and Captain Hook. 

Here’s what each had to say about playing such well-known characters:

  • Lilly Burchfield (Peter Pan): “Peter is a fun character because he is so well established. Peter Pan is the reason I pursued theatre as a career. I grew up watching so many different versions and knowing that a woman got to play this amazing and imaginative role made me want to start acting.”
  • Alexandria Brandstetter (Wendy): “It’s really exciting to play Wendy because I get to put my own touch on one of my favorite characters of all time, taking inspiration from the original movie and book.”
  • Kyle Holman (Captain Hook): “Playing a character that people love to hate is ALWAYS fun. It’s a challenge to make it real for yourself.”

2. You’ll get to be a kid again in Neverland

Peter Pan
Peter Pan (Lilly Burchfield) and Wendy (Alexandria Brandstetter). (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

Adulting isn’t easy and some days we all wish we were a kid again. June 15-July 2, VST is making it possible to return to your childhood days in their production of Peter Pan.

With a sprinkle of pixie dust, you’ll go on a magical journey with Peter Pan to the island of Neverland where you’ll see Peter come face to face with a ticking crocodile, meet a fierce Neverlander tribe and battle a band of pirates led by one of the most infamous villains of all time, Captain Hook!

The best part? You’ll feel just like a kid again and remember the incredible feeling of letting your imagination soar. 

“This is a new take on the story that really highlights the challenges of growing up and becoming an adult. I think there is something that every generation can discover in this production.”

Alexandria Brandstetter, Wendy in Peter Pan

3. The costumes + sets are spectacular 

Peter Pan
Peter Pan, Virginia Samford Theatre. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

The sets of Peter Pan are designed to make you feel like you’re truly in Neverland, from a mystical, leafy fairyland to a pirate-filled ship.

“The sets are so impressive. It amazes me that I have the opportunity to play pretend on such fantastic sets. There is so much detail and intricacy to every piece! It’s so much fun to explore how to use the set to tell the story.”

Lilly Burchfield, Peter in Peter Pan

Don’t forget the costumes! From the brilliant greens Peter wears to the shiny silver hook and deep red coat of Captain Hook, the costumes are a must-see!

“The costumes are so unique and beautiful. Peter isn’t the typical leaf-clad costume you see in every production. I get to dress like a kid. The Neverlanders have a very unique, almost elven look. Everyone is a part of the island. It’s really cool to see us create collectively what our island of Neverland gets to be.”

Lilly Burchfield, Peter in Peter Pan

Here’s who’s helping bring the show to life through costume design, music and more:

  • Director and Choreographer—Henry Scott
  • Music Director—Michael King 
  • Scenic and Lighting Design—Ben Boyer 
  • Costume Design—Marilyn Locke

4. The characters fly!

Peter Pan
Peter Pan and Wendy in Neverland. (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

You can’t have a Peter Pan production without some pixie dust to help you fly. To make the talented cast take flight, VST partnered with a company named Vertigo to create flying effects for the show. 

With several flying sequences, the production of Peter Pan requires a designated team, intricate choreography and multiple hours of rehearsal. But with some help from Vertigo, VST’s production of Peter Pan is guaranteed to soar.

5. You’ll uplift talented local artists in a historic venue 

Peter Pan
Are you ready to fly to Neverland? (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

If you’re seeking a way to support local, attending live theater productions is an amazing choice. When you see Peter Pan at VST June 15-July 2, not only will you be uplifting some of our city’s most talented performers, but you’ll also be helping keep the arts alive in The Magic City. 

You’ll also be supporting one of Birmingham’s historic arts venues. VST has been at the center of our city’s theatrical legacy since its construction in 1927. Learn more about this beloved theatre

Don’t miss your chance to see Peter Pan at the Virginia Samford Theatre, June 15-July 2. Get your tickets now.

Planning ahead? Grab your Season Tickets now to VST’s 2023-2024 productions.

To see what else is ahead for the Virginia Samford Theatre—visit their website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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