Your guide to celebrating Small Business Week in Birmingham

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adios Your guide to celebrating Small Business Week in Birmingham
Networking events all week long. (Birmingham Business Alliance on Facebook)

Next week is National Small Business Week and there are plenty of ways to celebrate around the Magic City. With networking sessions, educational events, mixers and more– keep reading for a full schedule of events where business owners and entrepreneurs can meet, exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Small businesses make a huge impact

From creating jobs to offering diverse products that enrich the local economy, small businesses play a huge role in the community. Small Business Week is designed to provide Birmingham’s small businesses a platform to connect with each other and learn important skills and innovations from follow entrepreneurs.

According to small business expert Victor Brown from the Birmingham Business Alliance, small businesses have never had more resources available to excel.

“During the pandemic, things were just really dismal and scary for the small business community. We had a tremendous focus on larger businesses but didn’t have as many small business programs– the pandemic really changed that whole philosophy. Rebound Birmingham came along, then fast forward to today we have the Prosper Business Advisory Services program at the BBA, the Supplier Scale which identifies companies that have great potential for growth and job creation, and a program called TeamUP which is focused on culture and leadership. The Birmingham Business Alliance has a mission to help businesses start, stay and succeed.”

Victor Brown, Birmingham Business Alliance

1. City of Birmingham National Small Business Week

bham Your guide to celebrating Small Business Week in Birmingham
Festivities kick off with Sunday brunch. (City of Birmingham Department of Innovation and Economic Opportunity on Facebook)

The City of Birmingham’s Office of Business Diversity and Opportunity is hosting a week-long series of free events, both virtual and in-person around the city. Festivities range from Taco Tuesday to panel discussions to a pitch competition and much more– make sure to check out these events on

2. EDPA Coffee & Collisions

edpa Your guide to celebrating Small Business Week in Birmingham
Last month’s Coffee & Collisions at the EDPA. (Economic Development Partnership of Alabama on Facebook)

The Economic Development Partnership of Alabama (EDPA) is hosting Coffee & Collisions: The Business of College Sports this Thursday, April 27. Join the EDPA for a cup of joe and discuss the business behind the sports fan– from student-athlete brand building to building engagement. This month’s guest speakers include:

  • Jim Cavale– CEO of INFLCR and co-founder of Iron Tribe Fitness
  • Thomas Coiner–  founder of sports app Backr
  • Isaac Cooper– former college athlete and CEO of IMC Financial Consulting

The event will be 8:30-9:30AM at the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama. While entry is free, make sure to RSVP here if you plan to attend.

  • Location: 1320 1st Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233

3. TeamUP Celebration

This Thursday, April 27, the Birmingham Business Alliance is hosting an event celebrating the small businesses that completed the TeamUP program last month. The program, in partnership with Jefferson County Commission and Prosper, makes it free and accessible for entrepreneurs to develop their leadership and organizational skills to grow the scale of their company.

The event will take place 3-5PM at the Birmingham Business Alliance Auditorium for TeamUP graduates and those who want to celebrate their success.

  • Location: 505 20th St N #200, Birmingham, AL 35203

4. POLARIS + ASL Creative Firm’s FREE business conference

(Polaris BHM)

POLARIS, in partnership with ASL Creative Firm, will present a FREE business conference May 1 – 4, 2023, aimed at educating and empowering small business owners. Open to entrepreneurs and people looking to start their own companies, the conference will focus on various topics, including taxes, business planning strategy, marketing, communications and sales.

The week of workshops will take place at POLARIS (5521 1st Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35212) and will feature several subject-matter experts presenting panel discussions and seminars.

To learn more about the conference or to register, please visit:

  • Location: 5521 1st Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35212

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Grace Howard
Grace Howard
Articles: 338