VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Red Cross Resiliency Programs support U.S. Vets + families

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image 7 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Red Cross Resiliency Programs support U.S. Vets + families
(American Red Cross)

For members of the military, veterans and their families, navigating the challenges that come with military service can be tough. Luckily, the American Red Cross offers several Resiliency Workshops designed to ease the stress of deployment.

The American Red Cross is currently seeking volunteers to help facilitate Resiliency Workshops. Read on to learn more about applying.

About Red Cross Resiliency Workshops

(American Red Cross)
(American Red Cross)

To learn more about the Resiliency Programs, we spoke with Shawndrika Cook—a licensed professional counselor in Alabama who volunteers with the American Red Cross’ Service to the Armed Forces.

“I met a woman at a networking event who told me all about the Red Cross’ Resiliency Workshops. I wanted to expand the scope of my practice, so I went through the volunteer application process. After doing background checks on my qualifications, the Red Cross approved me as a volunteer Resiliency Facilitator!

Shawndrika Cook, Volunteer Lead Facilitator, Red Cross

As a Volunteer Lead Facilitator of the Resiliency Workshop program, Shawndrika both hosts workshops and recruits others to become volunteers.

“These workshops educate vets and their families about mental health and offer coping skills to help. Often, we find veterans have trouble communicating with their family about the struggles they face. The workshops are a safe space for vets and their family to have real conversations about those struggles.”

Shawndrika Cook, Volunteer Lead Facilitator, Red Cross

3 Red Cross Resiliency Workshops

1. Coping with Deployment

(American Red Cross)
(American Red Cross)

Coping with Deployment is a Resiliency Workshop designed to support military families during the deployment cycle. During the workshop, attendees learn how to use psychological first aid, how to help children cope with stress, how to locate resources and make referrals when needed.

This workshop is intended for immediate and extended family members, significant others and friends of service members and veterans. However, service members and veterans are also invited to attend with their family.

Click here to learn more about the Coping with Deployment workshop.

2. Reconnection Workshop

(American Red Cross)
(American Red Cross)

During the Reconnection Workshop, service members, veterans and their families learn how to cope with the challenges of transitions, including:

  • Readjustment after deplyment
  • Training missions
  • Relocation
  • Separation from service

The Reconnection Workshop uses small-group discussions to help participants reconnect with their family members, work environments and communities.

Click here to learn more about the Reconnection Workshops.

3. Mind-Body Workshop

(American Red Cross)
(American Red Cross)

During the Red Cross’ Mind-Body Workshops, Service members, veterans and their families learn foundational tools from which they can build a mind-body practice for themselves to reduce stress and improve personal wellness. Some of those techniques include:

  • Mindfulness Techniques
  • Stretching and Movement
  • Body Awareness and Functioning
  • Journaling
  • Meditation and Mindfulness

These workshops are offered in a relaxed environment, and focus on personal grow through practice and reflection.

Click here to learn more about the Mind-Body Workshops.

Learn More: Volunteer opportunities with Red Cross Resiliency Programs

(American Red Cross)
(American Red Cross)

“The Red Cross is actively seeking volunteers for these Resiliency Programs. Facilitators need to be licensed professional counselors, licensed professional marriage and family therapists or licensed social workers. Anyone interested in volunteering can email me at shawndrika.cook@redcross.org and I’ll get them started with an application!

Shawndrika Cook, Volunteer Lead Facilitator, Red Cross

Have you or a family member taken a Red Cross Resiliency Workshop? Tag us @bhamnow to let us know your thoughts!

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