NEW: Ohm Jiu Jitsu opening in Birmingham in early 2023

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(Ohm Jiu Jitsu)
(Ohm Jiu Jitsu)

Calling all martial arts enthusiasts! A new jiu jitsu studio—Ohm Jiu Jitsu—is set to open in Birmingham later this month. Keep reading to learn more about Ohm Jiu Jitsu + what sets them apart.

About Ohm Jiu Jitsu

(Ohm Jiu Jitsu)
(Ohm Jiu Jitsu)

Ohm Jiu Jitsu is an upcoming Jiu Jitsu studio located at 4412 4th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35222, next to Sanctum Tattoos & Comics and ORE Mercantile & Bodega. The studio—which is scheduled to open in February—will offer high-level training and instruction to students of all levels in the Birmingham area.

Ohm Jiu Jitsu is the creation of Russell Marbut and DJ Wright, two Alabamians who discovered their passion for jiu jitsu years ago.

“For me, jiu jitsu is a way to maintain my physical and mental health. I see jiu jitsu as a puzzle—every match, every opponent is different. I love being able to solve those problems.”

DJ Wright, Ohm Jiu Jitsu

Inspired by a friend who opened a gym in Colorado, Russell and DJ put their heads together to open their own jiu jitsu studio in Birmingham. Soon, they settled on a name: Ohm Jiu Jitsu.

“In electricity, an ohm is a measurement of resistance. As an engineer by day, that name resounded with me. When I explain jiu jitsu to people who aren’t familiar, I usually use the term resistance. Jiu jitsu is unique in that you can safely practice at full speed. In other martial arts arts—especially striking martial arts—if you practiced at full speed, you or your opponent could get hurt. The ability to practice at 100%—full resistance—gives jiu jitsu an edge, in my opinion.”

DJ Wright, Ohm Jiu Jitsu

Check out Ohm Jiu Jitsu

(Ohm Jiu Jitsu)
(Ohm Jiu Jitsu)

Ohm Jiu Jitsu plans to open in February 2023, once their studio is complete.

“We’re really excited to be in the area and excited to bring something to the community. Whether you want to observe or try jiu jitsu, everybody is welcome to come check us out at any point!”

Russell Marbut, Ohm Jiu Jitsu

Stay up to date on the latest news from Ohm Jiu Jitsu by visiting their website. There, you can sign up for a free trial and receive details about their opening schedule.

Excited to see Ohm Jiu Jitsu? Tag us @bhamnow to let us know your thoughts!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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