Ready for a work-life reset? Alabama’s largest leadership conference is for you—Mar 16-17
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Feeling like a truck ran over you these past two years? Us, too. Come to Alabama’s largest leadership conference March 16-17, 2022 and hit reset on your career and your life. Momentum 2022 wants to help you tune out the noise and get intentional about your future. Find out who you’ll see and what you’ll learn, then take advantage of early-bird registration before it closes January 6.
Momentum 2022: the big idea

According to April Benetollo, Momentum’s CEO, organizers have a vision. They want to invite you into a “space where you can be intentional. Intentional about your future power, strength, leadership potential, brand, career and livelihood.”
At Momentum 2022, you’ll be with like-minded professionals who face similar challenges and have similar aspirations.
Momentum 2022 welcomes 3 all-star keynote speakers to the stage
ICYMI, keynote speakers are the ones who give big speeches to the whole assembly at a conference.
Breakout sessions are smaller workshops—each with their own presenters. Momentum 2022 has some really good ones lined up, and they’re still adding more.
Barb Stegemann took her company to the #1 top clean + planet positive perfume brand at Sephora

“My mission is to rebuild our world and to empower others to rebuild their own lives.”
Barb Stegemann
Barb Stegemann disrupted the entire perfume industry from her garage. She had a personal Visa and a dream to help people rebuild in war-ridden countries. Today, The 7 Virtues is an award-winning social enterprise and a leader in the clean and conscious beauty movement.
By sharing her innovative approach to business, Stegemann empowers audiences to embrace their inner disrupter. Also, she shares powerful messages of triumphing over adversity.
Stegemann’s the author of the bestselling book, The 7 Virtues of a Philosopher Queen, now in its 8th edition, and the subject of the feature-length, award-winning documentary, Perfume War.
Be inspired. Get your early-bird ticket to Momentum 2022 before January 6.
Jenn Lim is all about Delivering Happiness

Jenn Lim is the CEO and CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) of Delivering Happiness. This is a company she and Tony Hsieh (the late CEO of co-founded. Their goal? To create happier company cultures for a more profitable and sustainable approach to business.
Jenn was a consultant with Zappos during the years it grew from a startup into a billion-dollar business. In 2010, Jenn led the launch and management of Tony’s first book, Delivering Happiness, which sold over 800,000 copies internationally and hit #1 on numerous bestseller lists.
Jenn’s experience with Zappos, together with her development of scientific frameworks for workplace happiness, created the evidence for a powerful equation. Happier employees = happier customers = successful companies (and meaningful lives).
Echo Brown is making waves with vivid storytelling

You’ll find features on Echo Brown in Esquire, The New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Oakland Tribune, and KQED. She’s a dynamic and prolific writer and speaker on the international stage. She’s taught workshops internationally, given two TEDx talks and been invited to speak at high-profile companies like Dropbox, Facebook, Google and Pixar.
Alice Walker praised Brown’s one-woman show Black Virgins Are Not for Hipsters as “powerful and stunning.” The show ran for almost three years to sold-out crowds around the country.
The award-winning Black Girl Unlimited: The Remarkable Story of a Teenage Wizard was her first book. Look for her second book: The Chosen One: A First-Generation Ivy League Odyssey in January 2022.
Know you want to go? Get your ticket now for Momentum 2022. You can also follow Momentum on Facebook or Instagram.
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