7 tornado disaster relief efforts in the Birmingham metro area

Reading time: 4 minutes

WVTM Facebook
Tornado damage from the March 25, 2021 tornado outbreak in the Birmingham area. Photo via WVTM Facebook page

This weekend, several local organizations and cities launched disaster relief efforts to help those affected and displaced by the March 25th Birmingham metro tornado outbreak.

Want to help? 

Below is an update to the list Bham Now published on March 26th. Make a difference today!

American Red Cross of Alabama

For people displaced from their homes or sustained damage, call 1-800-RED CROSS for assistance. Helping people in need is what the Red Cross of Alabama  does best.

CBS 42 is teaming up with the Red Cross on Wednesday, March 31 to host an all-day – “day of giving” –  television event where viewers can donate money and supplies to families in need.   

United Way of Central Alabama

United Way 2-1-1 can help connect people with food banks in Birmingham
United Way’s 2-1-1 can help connect you with disaster relief efforts near you. Photo via United Way’s Facebook

United Way of Central Alabama’s 2-1-1 Information and Referral Center is invaluable for residents throughout the state seeking help and assistance, especially after a natural disaster. Their call center is open 24-7

In response to the March 25th storms the United Way of Central Alabama also set up a disaster relief fund. You can give online or text “Tornado” to 62644.

Birmingham Drop-off Site at Boutwell

The city of Birmingham is collecting items for tornado recovery all week at Boutwell Auditorium. Birmingham’s Director of Citizen Assistance Don Lupo posted all the detail on Facebook: 

“Mayor Woodfin is asking the citizens of our community to give items such as no perishable food, snack items, bottled water and energy drinks, paper towels, toilet paper, hammers, whistles, cleaning supplies, work gloves, garden rakes, sanitizer, tarps in all sizes, etc.  We will accept NO CLOTHING.

Boutwell Auditorium (1930 Abraham Woods Blvd) will serve as our collection point starting Monday morning at 7:30. Hours each day Monday through Thursday will be 7:30 till 4:00 at Boutwell.

Christian Service Mission will partner with us for transportation, storage and distribution through a network of faith based agencies. Any questions, please call me at 205-335-4573.”

Pelham Rec Center tornado relief drive

Photo of March 25, 2021 tornado damage in Pelham, Alabama. Photo via Pelham Police Department Facebook page

The city of Pelham began collecting tornado relief items the very day of the storm. It will continue to do so  at the Pelham Rec Center the week of March 29th.

Items needed:

Tarps – trash bags – cleaning supplies – hygiene products – feminine products – hand sanitizer – face masks – diapers and wipes – socks (multiple sizes) – ensure – pillows and blankets – baby formula – pet food -Gatorade -bottled water – laundry detergent

Asbury United Methodist Church

Asbury UMC collecting and distributing food, toiletries, building supplies and daily essentials. 

Here are the items they are taking:

  • Toiletries (shampoo/conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving cream, razors, feminine hygiene products)
  • Non-perishable food items (bottled water, crackers, granola bars, canned goods, nuts, juices, jelly, trail mix and peanut butter)
  • Gift cards and monetary donations that will be distributed to those directly affected by the storms. Drop off a gift card or simply make an online gift.

Drop off the items at the church on Sunday mornings or outside the church office between 9:00AM and 1:00PM, Monday through Friday. 

Salvation Army 

People can donate to the Salvation Army of Greater Birmingham through the following ways:

  • Online at helpsalvationarmy.org
  • Call 1-800-SAL-ARMY
  • Mail checks to: The Salvation Army, PO Box 11005, Birmingham, AL 35202. Checks can be designated “March Alabama Tornadoes” on all donations.

Greater Birmingham Humane Society & Shelby Humane

Shelby Humane
Photo via Shelby Humane

Both the Greater Birmingham Humane Society and Shelby Hume are assisting pet-owners and their pets displaced by the storms. Read about their efforts:

Humane societies offer aid & refuge for pets displaced by storms

Homewood’s Wags and Whiskers are also offering free boarding for displaced pets beginning March 29th.

Additional Relief Updates Coming

Stay tuned to Bham Now for tornado relief updates. Email us at hello@bhamnow.com if you have additional recovery efforts you would like to publicize. 

We can do this Birmingham.

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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