Check out how to sign up to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine in Jefferson County

Reading time: 4 minutes


A CVS Nurse gives a patient a vaccine.
Vaccines are important even if you are scared of needles. Photo via CVS’ Facebook

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all doing our best to get back to normal. The main way is by following the three W’s—wear a mask, wash your hands and watch your distance. 

Now, there is a fourth item. Get on the list to be notified when it is your turn to receive a vaccine. 

Register now by visiting and logging-on to the newly released vaccine info registration webpage. Click the Green Button.

Click the Green Button

Jefferson County Call Center
Jefferson County Call Center. Photo via Jefferson County EMA

Thanks to the Jefferson County Unified Command, several tools and resources have been developed to provide information to the public regarding COVID-19 vaccines and assist with coordinating vaccination efforts for critical populations.

“If you live or work in Jefferson County, the easiest thing to do is visit the EMA website and click on the Green Button. You fill out a quick form that puts you in our database,” stated James Coker, Director of Jefferson County EMA. 

According to the EMA, the form is used to inform the Jefferson County Department of Health of a person’s intent to take the vaccine once it becomes available for you based on the Alabama Department of Public Health’s allocation plan.  

Once submitted, they will review the information and determine which phase of the vaccine distribution is most appropriate for your situation. If they determine you are eligible for the vaccine, they will provide additional information on how to schedule a vaccination appointment.

Birmingham, Jefferson County Department of Health
Jefferson County Department of Health. Photo by Pat Byington for Bham Now

At the beginning of January, the Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition, which includes the Jefferson County Department of Health, Jefferson County EMA and local hospitals launched a hotline to help residents learn when they are eligible to receive a vaccine and to join the database.The response has been overwhelmingly positive. 

If you want to skip the internet and talk to a real person, call the hotline at 205.858.2221.

Which phase are you?

UAB Medicine
Dr. Adrienne Carter, Internist at UAB. Photo via Hernando Carter

The state has been in Phase 1A, which covers high-risk healthcare workers.

Heading up the effort to get people vaccinated in Jefferson County has been Julie Cobb, a public health nurse and the Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition Coordinator.

“Our healthcare system is our critical infrastructure. If you don’t have it, you don’t have anything. You don’t have frontline workers to take care of the people who have been affected by this virus. This is our biggest insurance policy to be able to continue to give that level of care.”

On January 8, Governor Kay Ivey announced that effective Monday, January 18, the state will be entering Phase 1B which makes the COVID-19 vaccine available statewide by appointment only to Alabamians 75 years and older, and to first responders including firefighters and law enforcement. 

Facilitating Vaccinations

The first COVID vaccines arriving at UAB
The first COVID vaccines arrived at UAB yesterday, December 15. Photo via UAB

Cobb and Coker see the new webpage and hotline as instrumental in facilitating vaccinations.

“We are developing a system to make sure we don’t have long lines of cars for vaccinations or senior citizens having to wait in long lines,” said Coker.

If Jefferson County residents of all ages sign up on the Jefferson County EMA webpage or call the hotline we can get the vaccines out as effectively as possible. 

“We are working as diligently, quickly and efficiently as we can to get this vaccine offered to everyone as more of it comes available,” concluded Cobb.

Help Spread the Word

CDC, shots, vaccine
Photo via the CDC/Unsplash

Do your part. Visit and click on the Green Button.

While there, you can also find COVID-19 news in the Birmingham area including COVID testing locations and places to pick up and acquire food if you are in need. 

You can also call the hotline at 205.858.2221. Calls are taken Monday through Friday from 8AM-5PM. The vaccine hotline will be closed on MLK holiday (Monday, Jan. 18, but people can still sign up online.

For people who live outside of Jefferson County, the Alabama Department of Public Health has a hotline too. Call 1.855.566.5333, Monday through Friday from 8AM-5PM.

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Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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