Local broadcast media hold United for United Way Sept. 30

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United Way Press Conference 2 e1601380851579 Local broadcast media hold United for United Way Sept. 30
United Way Press Conference held in March 2020 announcing the Community Crisis Fund. Photo courtesy of United Way of Central Alabama

On Wednesday, September 30, something very special is going to happen in Central Alabama. For the very first time, local broadcast media outlets are joining forces to encourage viewers and listeners to support United for United Way. Learn more about this important event and why you should listen and tune in.

United for United Way

UnitedForUnited Way Local broadcast media hold United for United Way Sept. 30

During the month of September, local broadcasters participating in United for United Way have worked diligently to raise awareness and promote the important work of the United Way. 

On September 30, all participating stations will ask their audiences to make a commitment and donate to this important organization. 

The message

This year’s United Way campaign message is focused on the immediate response and ongoing recovery efforts to the pandemic and ensuing economic crisis. 

United for United Way is not a telethon, but instead, an important partnership that will steer focus to today’s unprecedented needs, such as: 

  • Basic Needs: food, shelter + utility assistance
  • Mental Health: depression, substance abuse, domestic violence + child abuse
  • Workforce Support: childcare, job training + transportation

Local Television & Radio Stations Show Their Commitment

“United for United Way is an exciting new addition to our campaign.” – John Martin, Sr. VP Resource Development, at United Way of Central Alabama

The broadcast campaign is led by  Tom Luckie of Luckie Media. Through Luckie’s campaign  leadership, every Birmingham market television station is participating in United for United Way. They include:

Dozens of local radio companies will also join the campaign, including: 

  • 9 SummitMedia stations
  • 6 Cumulus Media Birmingham market stations
  • 16 iHeartMedia radio stations serving Central Alabama

Serving Central Alabama – Be a Part of History

Hope Happens

United Way of Central Alabama serves Jefferson, Shelby, Walker, Blount, St. Clair and Chilton counties by providing solutions for the most critical needs in the community. Through partnering agencies and community initiatives, they improve lives and community conditions by building and mobilizing resources. United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community.

Join our local broadcasters on September 30 during United for United Way and make history.

To donate to the United for United Way campaign, visit United Way’s website or text United to 62644

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Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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