How EBSCO Industries is working to uplift Alabama students + teachers
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We love any excuse to celebrate amazing news and highlight some of the great things local companies are doing for Birmingham. Keep reading to learn how EBSCO Industries is showing support for teachers and students in Alabama.
Who is EBSCO Industries?
This is a loaded question, but I’ll try my best to answer. EBSCO Industries is headquartered right here in Birmingham and was founded in 1944 by Elton Bryson Stephens Sr. It’s a diverse company that’s comprised of over 40 businesses that focus on information services, outdoor products, manufacturing, general services, publishing services and even real estate.
Selling has been at the core of EBSCO since the beginning. They seek to foster durable businesses while delivering products and services that meet every customers’ needs. Now, they’re looking to help Alabama teachers and students further succeed.
EBSCO + Alabama State Department of Education

Classrooms look a lot different this year. The Alabama State Department of Education and Publishers’ Warehouse (an EBSCO Industries company) have partnered to afford teachers and students with personalized repositories for necessary learning materials.
Basically, this is a fancy way of saying they’re going to make it easier for teachers and students to get the materials they need throughout this unique school year, including placing all digital materials in one location.
“The rapid response to support distance learning has been a challenge in Alabama and across the nation, but the innovation instigated by these efforts will improve the future of learning.”
Lisa Silver, President, Publishers’ Warehouse
At the moment, some classes have had to deal with learning materials being placed on different platforms with separate logins, which can be a headache and loss of important instructional time. This is when EBSCOed comes in handy.
How EBSCOed is making Alabama students + teachers’ lives easier

EBSCOed was built by Publishers’ Warehouse and EBSCO Information Services’ Stacks in order to support Alabama students, teachers and parents in this year’s unusual transition to remote learning. The platform supports all students whether they are attending in-class instruction or remote learning.
“This is a game-changer for the way that teachers and students interact. During the pandemic and beyond, we are excited to partner with EBSCOed and Publishers’ Warehouse to provide Alabama teachers and students with a central source for digital textbooks.”
Kent Donges, Chief Revenue Officer, STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning, Inc.
Come December 2020, the plan is to have EBSCOed integrated with Alabama’s Schoology, a learning management system. This will improve access to online resources and connect classrooms with important digital resources no matter where they are.